Welcome to the Academy!

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First Person:

It feels so nice to finally be able to be outside the house without my parents huffing down my neck, although I wish I didn't need to be ESCORTED TO SCHOOL! I already get enough stares as it is, the last thing I need is to be seen as a spoiled rich brat. I see the scenery around me come to a halt .

"We're here Mr. (L/N)"

*Sigh* Look at them, already staring me down, I haven't even gotten out of the car yet.

"Here goes nothing."

The minute I step out of the car, gasps and whispers enter my ears from all directions.
These stares are gonna burn through me.

"Isn't that the son of Mr. and Mrs. (L/N)?"
"I thought he was homeschooled?"
"He's the runt, right?"

There goes that damn term again, runt. I hate that word. It's because of that, that I'm in the hot seat right now, why I "can't follow my dreams" Well, I'm here to prove them all wrong. I put my crusher evos on and play Smile by Scarface

Walking through the hall, everybody turns to look at me, some with curiosity, some with disgust, just let me hurry to my class, I feel like I'm gonna get jumped out here. Suddenly, a girl bumps into me, she's a fox that looks pretty short, but I am 6'5", she also has shoulder length blonde hair.

 Suddenly, a girl bumps into me, she's a fox that looks pretty short, but I am 6'5", she also has shoulder length blonde hair

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"Oh I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." She says almost sarcastically

"Yeah no pro-"

"Wait! You're (Y/N) (L/N)! The new student, it's nice to meet you"

'What happened to her rude attitude from before?'

"My name is Casey Vesti, it's nice to meet you"

I eye her up and down, or purely down, damn she is short, at least 5'4".

"Uh, yeah, vice versa, now excuse me I have to get to class," I start to walk off, but I feel her still following me.

"Hey, wait, I can help you find your class. Who knows, we might have some together~" she says flirtatiously. I glare at her in a form of confusion and disgust 'Gotta think of a lie quick, I don't like this feeling one bit'

"Well, that sounds nice and all, but I'm kinda off to go uh...talk to my councilor to get my schedule. I already know where I have to go." She seems to pout from me saying this and crosses her arms, stopping in her tracks.

"Well, I guess I'll see you later newbie!" I turn to see her walk away in the other direction, as I let out a long sigh

'Dodged a bullet there, had a feeling she had ill intentions behind that offer. Whatever is in the sky, just let me get to class in one piece.'

*Time skip*

Third person:

"Ok, room 2004. Here goes nothing*inhales*" The literal nanosecond you step through the door, all eyes are on you, gasps and whispers erupt from all corners of the classroom, causing the teacher to look up from her desk.

"Oh! You must be the new student," she exclaims with a bright smile.

'So genuine,' you think to yourself

"Please, come here to the front and introduce yourself," She asks kindly.

As you walk to the front of the class, everybody's eyes follow you, except one person in the back corner with a black, sleeveless hoodie, all you can see is their unnaturally black hair and bandages wrapped from their fingers to their shoulders on both arms.

"Hi, my name is (Y/N) (L/N). I really like martial arts and cars," you spoke boldly. The minute that second sentence leaves your mouth, you notice the hoodie person's ears perk up, almost like your hobbies caught their attention.

"It's very pleasant to meet you (Y/N). Please pick any free chair," she tells you.

Grateful you get to pick your own seat, you start to look for a spot. Some people jump for you to sit next to them, others push you away. So you went and did the right thing, and sat next to the hooded figure, putting on your headphones, and starting your first day of classwork.

Wow, 704 words is crazy. Knowing I don't care for short chapters, I'll try to make them as long as I can without them being unbearably long. I hope you all enjoyed this first chapter.

The Day Runts Took Over(Male ReaderxFem! OC)Where stories live. Discover now