Ah Shit, Here We Go Again.

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Third person

"So you're telling me, the girl you two apprehended was that lost Katsukumi girl?!" Their captain yelled, slamming her fist onto her desk, cracking it. The Panther was steaming mad, they had been looking for Alpha ever since she first went missing 10 years ago and when they finally had a good tab on her, they lost her within 5 minutes.

"Look Cap, it's not our fault, we didn't even know it was her until after she got in the car peeled away. We just thought she was some random girl planning-"

"I don't wanna hear your fuckin bullshit excuses Mcgillan! Either you get out there and find that girl yourself or fired and I'll find her myself! We've been searching for this girl for too damn long and I refuse to give up on this case." Every time Neela is reminded of this case, it makes her think of how her own youngest son disappeared after they move here from New York. How a month later, they found what they assumed to be him, dead on the side of the 405.

She refuses to let any other parents experience the same loss as her, even if that means getting rid of the best man on the force. She let's out a sigh and looks Mcgillan in the eyes. "Look Mcgillan, I understand she got the slip on you and you didn't know it was her at first, but I don't want another slip up like this. If anyone can catch her, it's you and Dexter, so get to it you two. You're dismissed."

Mcgillan walks out of the office, gaining Dexter's attention, "So, how'd it go lad?" Based off the look on the lion's face, Dexter couldn't get a good read on him.

"Well, it could've gone worst. She's upset about it, but she's giving us another chance, but if we fuck up again, I'm off the force." He says, his ears dropping at the thought of being fired.

Dexter pats his back as the two begin walking towards the break room, "Don't worry laddie, there hasn't been a single person we ain't been able to catch." The two walk into the break room to see the captain sitting in her favorite spot, her two hands firmly grasping a cup of coco.

"Uh Cap, how'd ya get back here without us seeing you?" Dexter questions genuinely confused on how he didn't see, smell or hear the captain walk past him.

"Don't worry Dex, your not loosing your mind. I had a door installed in my office that leads straight to the break room." She say brushing of the cougar. Suddenly, a black footed cat burst through the door, winded from sprinting.

"Ca-C-Cap, the-th girl w-w-w"

"For Christ sake, speak the King's English."

"We found the girl!" Everybody's eyes shot open at the mention of Alpha being found again.

The captain jumps up, knocking over her coco and points at the door, "Mcgillan, Dexter, get your asses out there a catch her! I'll notify her parents of her location." The two males nod and burst out of the precinct and run to their car.

"Now, of all the place we could go, why would you choose the mall? And why do we have to wear these outfits, we stick out like a sore thumb." (Y/N) questioned, walking along side his girlfriend. She had changed from wearing a black hoodie and mask with black joggers to a hot pink jacket and white shorts that showed off more leg than what she was comfortable with, while (Y/N) sported some faded, ripped jeans, a Nirvana shirt, with a grey jacket.

"Well, although it's a well know tactic, it never hurts to try. It's to blend in plain sight. They already know who to look for, but they won't immediately think to check a crowded mall, nor will they think to suspect the two people who look the most out of place compared to two people who look in place. So that's why we gotta stand out."

"Plus, do you really think they'd come in here with a full search party and risk starting a panic, making their search harder to do?" She had a bit of a point, but it seemed that she was too hopeful for this to work, it's not like this was just some fairytale.

Alpha and (Y/N) was walking around at the top floor of the mall, casually walking near the railing that allows them to see down at the first floor. They were keeping lookout for any signs of police. "Uh Alpha, in front of the Apple store."

She glances over the rail and squints. Dexter and Sgt. Mcgillan were questioning the Apple employee on Alpha's whereabouts. Alpha's eyes widen at seeing the two officers from earlier at their current location, Dexter looks away from the employee and up at the upper level when his eyes catches Alpha's.

At first he was unable to identify the girl, he squinted his eyes a little harder and saw the crimson and sapphire orbs of their target. He chooses not to point her out while they're still in her sight.

Alpha casually pulls away from the edge to prevent suspicion, "What the fuck do we do?! How did they find us that quick?!" Alpha questions out loud. (Y/N) was still glancing over the edge when he sees two individuals that look oddly familiar.

"Alpha, I don't want to alarm you but, what do your parents look like?" If her fur wasn't already white, (Y/N) could've sworn he saw all the color flee from her body. She dashes towards the edge and looks over to see the last people she wanted to see. An black hellhound female with long black hair and a black and blood red wolf male talking to the two officers.

Alpha squeezes the railing in her grip so hard she ends up crushing it, causing (Y/N) to jump. She starts hyperventilating and her eyes start to glow, catching the attention of the squad below them. The female points at her, "There she is! Kira!" They start running towards the upper level.

"FUCK!" Alpha spins around, grabs (Y/N) and takes off through the mall. She looks behind them to see her parents and the officers arriving on the upper level and begins to chase the two canids, calling out her name. She tunes them out and keeps running, (Y/N) on her tail, she looks up and spots a sign that say exit and hooks a hard left down a backroom looking hallway with double doors at the end.

They bust through the doors to see they've entered an area that looks like a closed mall with a random gumball machine in the middle of the walkway.

They bust through the doors to see they've entered an area that looks like a closed mall with a random gumball machine in the middle of the walkway

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They slow down for a second to question the strange occurrence, until they hear the yelling pick up behind them, making the two pick up their pace. Only after 5 minutes of running they finally reach an exit.

"We're almost out! Once we get through this door, we gotta find my car and we're home free!" Little does the hound know, she's in for a big surprise when they get outside.

The canids burst through the door, knocking them off their henges, just to be met with an entire police squad surrounding them from all angles. Dexter and Mcgillan come from behind and handcuffs Alpha and (Y/N), preventing the two from running.

"Told you we'd catch them lad, haha!"

The Day Runts Took Over(Male ReaderxFem! OC)Where stories live. Discover now