Back At Square 1 🍋

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(For those that don't know, Alpha and her mom is black, I'm also black. Sorry if the n-word still offends you, but it's part of my natural vernacular, so I will use it here and there. I'll try not to go crazy with it.)

First Person: Alpha POV

Y/n and I were sitting side by side in the waiting area of the police station, waiting for our parents to arrive, well, he was. I wanted to sneak off back to my house, but they insisted they call my parents, so now I am stuck....again. At least I have Y/n here.

"So Alpha, what are you gonna do when you get to your parents house since this wasn't part of your plan?" I looked down at my lovable boyfriend, who opted to lay his head on my thighs.

"Well, I'm gonna leave the Eg in the school parking lot until tomorrow so after school I can go straight to my house. Other than that, I'll probably just sleep all day. I'm too damn tired after today's events." Speaking of today's events, our parents came dashing into the waiting area.

Y/n's parents and my parents looked at me in shock, my mother covering her mouth and gasping. I can imagine my bloodied fur and tattered clothing weren't helping my 'I'm fine' case.

My parents ran over to me and immediately began overcrowding, trying to see if I was injured and what not. "Hey, hey, HEY GOD DAMN IT! LET A GIRL GET SOME BREATHING ROOM. I'm FINE. Geez."

I quickly stand on my feet and push them back a little so I can get some breathing room. "Sorry Kira. It's hard to tell you're okay when you're CAKED IN BLOOD."

"Whatever, it's not like I'm sitting in a fresh puddle of it. Can we just get 'home' already? I'm extremely fucking tired." I walked off hearing lots of footsteps behind me.

"Well, Y/n's parents are coming over for a hangout so we figured you and Y/n could spend some time together." I heard my dad speak from behind me. I simply gave a thumbs up and walked out the precinct. Taking a seat in the very back of my mom's suburban.

I was either too busy napping, or cuddling with Y/n because he chose to sit in the back with me, but it was a good hour drive. "I'm surprised you're letting me cuddle with you while covered in blood."

"Well, it's slightly disturbing, but it's nothing I can't handle. I can honestly deal with this." I felt him shrug softly. Wrapping his arms around my waist.

I think this is the most I've ever been consistently happy in a long time. I forgot how good it feels. "Hey Alpha, Lock in right fast. We're here." My eyes slightly widens as I looked up, taking note we did indeed arrive at my parent's house.

I sigh deeply before climbing out of the back, catching my leg on the seat and falling out on my face, "I feel like I deserved that somehow, but ow."

Thankfully the only person who saw that was Y/n...and he's laughing. He hops out land next to me helps me up, dusting me off. "You okay Alpha?" He said, clearly enjoying the sight.

"Haha very funny. You fucking cock knuckle." I mumble with a smirk, flipping him off playfully.

"What the fuck is a cock knuckle?" I hear him ask from behind as he followed me into the house, but I didn't answer his question, just smiled.

I head straight to my room, not really paying attention to anything happening downstairs, I'm just worried about getting clean right about now. I've been covered in blood before, but it's only not annoying when it's not your own.

"So what is planned exactly?" I hear Y/n speak from over my shoulder. I look back at him.

"For now? I think I'm just gonna shower honestly-" Suddenly I bump into someone small than me.

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