(The story I mentioned [and possibly long awaited by some] is finally coming around)
"You're too weak to be a fighter, focus on your studies."
"You can never become a good driver. It's too taxing on your body."
"You're useless."
That's all you were...
After their delicious meal, the two canids get back into Alpha's car, turn on Get Up! by Baka!(on all streaming platforms [shameless plug for my homie]), then gun it back to the campus before curfew.
They pull up to a red light, vibing with the beat and inspirational lyrics, when a white Saleen pulls up on the side of them, revving it's engine, clearly wanting to race.
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Alpha looks to her left, eyeing the driver. He signals her to put her window down, which she does.
"First person to the fifth stop light down the straight wins."
"Wins what?" She questions the coyote, looking interested. He hold up a wad of hundreds
"How does 10k sound," he smirks, sticking his hand out to shake. Alpha doesn't hesitate and shakes the poor sinners hand. "Bet, let's go!"
"Alpha, you got this?" (Y/N) questions, not sure if the GT-R can smoke the s281. Alpha revs up her engine to around 5500rpms, 2-step shooting flames as her turbo holds its spool. The Saleen following suit, its supercharger whining with each rev. "Watch me." She responds
The second the light goes green, tires squeal off the line, the front of the Saleen lifting up, the R34's wheels smoking, the all-wheel drive car trying to gain traction. This allowed the S281 to gain a cars length between him and Alpha.
Right when Alpha's tires hook, the RB26 screams to 9000rpms, spewing flames out of the exhaust, quickly closing the gap between her and the mustang on steroids. The R34 starts to pull a head of the s281, zooming past the fifth light. The two come to a steady stop, "Damn, that shits fast, here ya go," he tosses the money to Alpha, as she catches it, the two hear sirens in the distance. They nod at each other and take off in opposition directions.
Alpha starts to quickly make her way back to campus before the police catch her. Hearing the sirens closing in on their location. She peers into her rear-view to see a cop car zoom past the street she's on, going back to where the race started, she sighs in relief of not having to out run the police again.
First person: (Y/N) POV
As we drew near the campus I look over at Alpha, watching as the street lights illuminate the inside of the car, reflecting off her single sapphire eye, 'Her eyes are so pretty'.
"See something you like hotshot~" Alpha teases, causing my face to turn beet red, making me look away. She giggles at my flustered state.
"My bad, I was just looking at the scar across your right eye. I was trying to guess how it got there." Hopefully that helps my case a bit in this situation.
Alpha leans out the window to show her parking pass and ID to the toll guard, allowing us in the parking lot. "Well guess no longer my friend, I got it in a fight from a kitsune when I was younger. It's the only wound I have thats never fully healed, something about spirit magic mumbo jumbo." She states as she backs into her spot, undoes her harness, and climbs out of the car, me following suit.