The More You Know

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First Person: Alpha's POV

Our drinks and food arrive together. I thank the waitress, and send her on her way. I take a bite out of my salmon, then look (Y/N) right into his soul.

"Well, how about I tell you my story, and then you can tell me yours? Sounds like a fair trade to me." I can tell I said it in a bit of an monotone voice by how uncomfortable he looks and how red his face is, he's kinda cute when he's flustered.

"W-Well if that's what you want, who am I to deny right?" A smirk starts to grow on my face at his words.

"Perfect. Well do you want a long explanation or a short sum up of everything?"

(Y/N) brings his hand to his chin and begins to ponder, taking bites out of his food with me following suit. "You know, I want to hear everything your willing to tell me."

I set my fork down and look him in his eyes, "Well, going back to when I was younger, my parents always were extremely protective of me. It was understandable though, I wasn't as strong as I was during that time and I had a sensitive immune system, got sick often, couldn't lift much of anything over 50 lbs." His face turns sad.

"But my dreams were huge, I wanted to follow my dad's steps and be a racer, I wanted to follow my mom's steps and be a fighter, then I went for my own ambition to be a music artist. That's the only one they supported. Bought me keyboards, mic's, guitars, drums, you name it I had it. But there would be times I could go out and see my mother training my siblings,"

*Flashback* Third person:

Alpha is seen standing next to her dad in her gown, her small and fragile figure, eyes full of amazement at how her oldest brother was able to keep up with her mom in close quarters. She wanted to learn.

"Hey, hey dad, can I try sparring with mom, I wanna learn to fight like that!" She say full of determination, happily bouncing around. Her sister's and youngest brother laugh at her.

"Quiet you three, don't laugh at your sister. Sorry sweetie, your body isn't strong enough to fight. You're not built for it. Just focus on your music and studies." He say getting on one knee holding her shoulder gently. She shakes his hand off, albeit not with the most force, and walks off, shutting her room door, crying.

*Flashback End*

"Later, Jake came in from is training and showed me some small moves and other techniques to cheer me up. Told me to just believe in myself and I could beat him one day. Now look at me, I could probably beat him, my siblings, and mom by now. Then there was the time we went to the Mazda Weathertech track with my dad for him to test his new tune,"

*Flashback* Third person:

A birds-eye view shows the weathertech track, and a green Dodge Viper zooming around the track, in and out of corners. The camera zooms in to show Alpha staring at a screen with two camera angles of her father's car, while she mimics the motions on her toy wheel. She's done this so much, she knows almost every track they've been to like the back of her hand.

She looks up to her mother, smiling, her sharp teeth visible, "Mom, I wanna be like dad when I get older, I'm sure on day I'll be able to beat him on the course," She beams, full of excitement. Albeit reluctantly, her mother quickly shut that down

"Uh uh, no, you are not going to be a racer. It's far too dangerous and can be very exhausting on your body. I won't let that happen." Her mother lectures. Alpha drops her wheel and looks down, crying.

"FINE! Since I'm nothing but a 'weak accident' I'm going off to pursue my dreams on my own!" She jumps up and runs off. Her siblings laugh at the fact she called herself the nickname they gave her, while Jake runs off to find Alpha, along with their mother scolding the other 3 hounds for bullying their sister. After looking for hours, they couldn't find the white hellhound anywhere. So they set out a search party.

*Flashback End*

"And that was around, let's see, I'm 18 now, so around 9 going on 10 years ago. I honestly thought they gave up looking for me, but being that I'm a 'high value target', they are all still looking for me. That's one of the reasons why I said I'm well known outside of school, besides my music and racing career." I look up to see (Y/N) staring at me with remorse in his eyes, I can tell he feels bad for the shit that I've gone through. I've grown used to these kinds of looks, but it almost looks like he sympathises with me.

"W-Wow, now I feel stupid telling you my story, it's nowhere near as bad as you had it. Siblings bullying you, parents extremely protective of you to the point it was unbearable. The most I had was my brother and sister, poking at me every now and then, other than that, my life went, as smoothly as possible. I'm sorry for making you share your story," he quietly says, finishing his food.

"No, it's fine, honestly I've grown past it. Running away from home is probably the best thing to happen to me. My music career took off, I learned to fight, and I became a infamous street/track racer. Life is fucking beautiful man." (Y/N) smiles at me, his cheeks dusted with red.

"I glad you were able to find your happiness in life. Makes me feel more confident about finding my own." This brings a smile to my face. I've never had someone tell me I genuinely influenced them to do better.

This is gonna be an awesome friendship.

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