A New Leaf

387 13 2

First Person: (Y/N)'s POV

What? Where am I? Why is it so dark? I CAN'T SEE! IS THIS WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO BE TOPH?! Why does it also feel like I'm being watched?

I turn around to see a figure in the darkness looming behind me. I can't see their face either.

"Who are you?"

They don't answer, they're just standing there. Menacingly.

"I asked, who are you? Where am I? What is this place?"

The figure lets out a bone-chilling giggle that descends into insane laughter. But why does it sound familiar? The figure starts to step forward, slowly revealing white fur. As they got closer to me, their face became revealed.


She opens her eyes to show them glowing pure blood red and sapphire, blood coated her fur. She holds a platinum deagle plastered in blood up to the side of her face.

"Ahahaha, Hello sweetheart.~ You thought you could get away with betraying my trust like that? I would teach you a lesson but, no matter, I'll end this, once *points the gun*and for all."

I turn around and start running from her, hearing her maniacal laughter behind me. I feel a sharp pain shoot through my right leg, causing me to limp. Her voice sounding demonic.

"HAHAHAHAHA! You really thought you could run away from me? ME!? YOU'RE LOVER! You aren't going anywhere."

I feel another sharp pain go through my left leg, causing me to collapse, holding my legs. I feel my airway being cut off and I get lifted off the, what I'd assume is the ground, and pulled into a deep kiss, Alpha's glowing orbs for eyes penetrating mines. Her tongue dominating mines, she pulls away from my mouth, a string of saliva connecting our mouths.

"God I'm gonna miss kissing this mouth of yours. But it's a sacrifice I have to give"

She then puts the gun in my mouth, staring into my soul.

"Goodbye, My Love~"

She giggles then everything goes black.

"AHH, OH SHIT!" Fuck, I fell off the couch. My fucking back, at least that was all a nightmare.

"Holy shit dude. You looked like you died, the hell were you dreaming about?" I glance over at Bruce to see him sitting up looking away from the TV at me. I place my hand on my chest and steady my breath.

"Noth-Nothing man, just a typical run-of-the-mill nightmare. Nothing too crazy." Hearing a yawn from behind me I turn around to see Alpha at the top of the stairs with her baggy T-shirt on, stretching, and by the looks of it, she's not wearing anything under it, making me blush.

"Ugh, I wouldn't have invited you into my house if you were going to scream like a 15 year old girl. WHOA!" Alpha tries to take a step forward, but she trips and tumbles down the steps

"Ow." I walk over to Alpha and look down at her.

"No. I'd like to think of it as me screaming like a teenage girl falling down some steps with her cheeks out." I smirk at her.

"Oh fuck you, at least help me up before you ogle and mock me, prick." I grab her extended arm and pull her up. She rubs her head, her long hair disheveled from her tumble. She cracks her back, releasing several loud pops.

"Ahh, fuck~ that's good. Now, what were you screaming about anyway, sounded like you saw a flying roach, if so I don't blame you. I'd scream too." Man I wish that were it. We both go and take a seat on the couch, she rests her head on my shoulder.

"Nah, I would be fighting back if I saw a flying Casey, but in all seriousness it was just a bad dream. A.....very bad dream." Alpha and Bruce chuckle at my comparison, Alpha then looks up at me and smirks.

"Aww, did my wittle baby have a nightmare? Oh it's ok, you can sleep in Mama's bed." I playfully push her off me, rolling my eyes, "Yeah yeah, I wouldn't have screamed if what happened wasn't so genuinely creepy."

I see Bruce lean forward and put his hands on his lap, "Well damn, what was it dude? If it made you fall off the couch, it must've been pretty bad."

I look at the two mammals and let out a sigh, gotta find a way to explain this, "Welllll
..... A girl that I'm close to appeared in a dark void and-"

*Time skip after recap (I'm too lazy ngl)*

"Whoa, not gonna lie bro, that does sound creepy. Who's the person anyway?" Bruce questions. I look at him, questioning myself if I want to tell them that it was Alpha or not.

"Actually, hold that thought. Alpha, can I use the bathroom?" She points to a door off to the right, behind the couch. Bruce gets up and walks off behind us.

Sitting here next to the person that killed me is kinda, awkward to say the least.


"Hm?" I look to Alpha to see her patting her thighs.

"Lay you head here. I, uh, heard this is a thing guys like." She says shying away. I look down at her thighs, her white fur luring me towards it.

My face turns a bright red, "Sure, if you say so." I lay on my back and rest my head on her warm thighs. They're so plump and soft, honestly these are the best pillows I've ever used.

"So tell me, what's wrong? I can tell that dream is still bothering you." I look to see Alpha glancing down at me while running her hand through my (H/L), (H/C) hair, looking on with care, almost like a mother.

"Well....uh.....Alpha, how do you feel if you had a significant other that still talked to other females as friends?" Alpha looks down at me and tilts her head.

"I mean of course they can. As long as they have boundaries, I wouldn't mind. There's nothing wrong with having female friends." I let out a sigh in relief, now knowing my best friend isn't a bloodthirsty murderer trying to kill me for socializing.

"(Y/N), who was it that you saw in that nightmare?" I stare Alpha for a solid minute earning a look of confusion from her.

"It-I *sigh* The person I saw was you, Alpha. You were the one who killed me. You put the platinum bird in my mouth and blew it off." Alpha looks down with a face of shock.

"O-oh wow. That was unexpected. Honestly I didn't expect me to be the source of your nightmares. You haven't even done anything for me to want to haunt your dreams. I'm sorry."

"Nah, don't worry about it too much. It's not like you have controls over my dreams and made me think about that, it just happened. Speaking of happened, what the hell happened to Bruce? He's been in the bathroom for a hot minute." Alpha makes a hum in agreement, looking away from me and behind the couch.

"No you guys just have no sense of your surroundings." Hearing Bruce's voice from infront of us causes Alpha to release a small squeak. We look in his direction to see him wide-eyed.

"Uh dude, where did (Y/N) go?" Alpha hums in confusion, looking down to me, her eyes shooting open.

"What do you mean I'm right here." They shake their heads at me vigorously.

"(Y/N), you're fucking invisible!"

"What the hell do you mean I'm invisible?"

"What the fuck do you mean, 'what do I mean?' I mean you're invisible! Gone! Transparent! See through!" I jump up and look in the window, not seeing my reflection.

"What the fuck?!"

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