Hanging Out

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First Person: (Y/N) POV

"So where are we heading? Being that I spent most of my life stuck in the house, I don't really know too much about the outside world." I say slightly embarrassed, as we walk out of the school. Alpha looks at me and giggles.


"Don't worry, I know how that feels. The only reason why I'm here is because I ran away from home because my parents wouldn't let me come here. They wanted me to stay homeschooled, and tried to stop me from following my dreams." Wait, why is she heading towards the parking lot.

"Uh Alpha, where are you going?" She looks over her shoulder, looking confused.

"We're going to get lunch. I know you didn't think we were gonna walk did you?"

*Mini Time Skip*

"Whoa! Is this yours?"

"Whoa! Is this yours?"

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"Yep, she's all mine. I bought her the minute I got my parents eyes off of me. They don't even know. It's overrated, not gonna lie, but it's iconic." She states proudly. This is one of my favorite cars and the fact that Alpha was able to get one so easily, kinda has me jealous.

"That is cool, but here's the question. Is it a GT-R or a GTS-T," I decided to test her car knowledge, she must know what I'm on about.
(Hold onto your hats, I'm about to spill some info)

Alpha turns to look at me with a bright smile," It's a GT-R V-spec II nür. I rebuilt the engine with forged internals, and went from twin, to a singular HKS T51R turbo with a tubular manifold, to get that 2fast 2furious GT-R sound. Also running dry nos with anti-lag."

Well damn, she most definitely knows what she's talking about. I know who I'm letting upgrade my car when I get one. Alpha walks over to where the passenger seat would be, signaling me to get in on the other side. She takes her spot behind the wheel and buckles her harness and starts the car. Once I buckle my harness, she throws the car in 1st and pulls off.

(Literally Alpha driving)*Time skip*

After a surprisingly quick drive, we arrive at this restaurant called Songhorn Ltakehouse. I don't know what type of name is that, but the place looks fancy.

"Whoa Alpha, this place looks fancy. And expensive, are you sure you want us to eat here?" I turn to look at her, as we get out of the car, she's smiling.

"Well of course I'm sure! I wouldn't have brought you here if I wasn't prepared." She walks around to my side of the car, grabs my hand, and drags me to the entrance. The second we enter, I'm hit in the face with all sorts of wonderful smells and soft colors. I was so in a trance, I didn't notice Alpha pulling us to a booth and having a seat across from me, burying her face in the menu.

"Order whatever you want, you got nothing to worry about," How much does Alpha have saved up?! This stuff isn't cheap."And don't you even think about trying to pay for anything, I chose where we went, so I'm gonna pay." Well, I guess if she says so. Scanning through the menu, the waitress walks up to the table, a tigress. The minute she spots Alpha and I she straightens up and gains a look of nervousness on her face.

'What is she so nervous about?'

"H-Hello Ms. Katsukumi a-and Mr.(L/N), it's a pleasure to serve you! W-What can I start you two o-off with?" She bows, then takes out a little note pad.

"No need for formalities, you can call me Alpha, and I'd like the ceader grilled salmon, a ribeye steak, medium rare, and a milkshake." The girl quickly jots down her order then looks over to me.

"Uh, I'll have (F/F), (S/F/F), and a (F/D). You can also call me (Y/N) if you'd like." She finishes writing my order out, then takes our menus.

"O-Ok, I'll be right back with you twos drinks." She quickly speeds off to the back. Turning my eyes back to Alpha, she's staring at her phone with a stern face. Almost like she's pissed off at something.

"What's wrong?"


"What's wrong? You look angry."

"Oh, nah I just have a resting angry face, and not to mention my parents are still looking for me, so I should really be staying out of sight. Last thing I want is for them to try and drag me back home." She responds irritated, I forgot she said she ran away from home.

"Hey, if it's not a touchy subject, how long have you been on the run and why?"

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