Back Into the Warzone

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*Third person POV*

"Alright, it's time." Alpha slowly spoke looking at the school building. (Y/n) and Bruce had already made it to school before her, so she stared at the large campus alone.

She put her hood up as she began to walk away from her car, she opted to take the S2000 back home and instead brought her sleeper eg6.

Despite not being able to see well out of her peripheral due to her hood, on her way in she caught a glimpse of a black cat climbing out of a blue civic the same year as hers, but a sedan instead of a hatchback

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Despite not being able to see well out of her peripheral due to her hood, on her way in she caught a glimpse of a black cat climbing out of a blue civic the same year as hers, but a sedan instead of a hatchback.

"Hmm, that car has potential. I wonder if they know it." She thought to herself as she continued to walk. Once she fully entered the courtyard, everyone began to stare at her and whisper.

"Isn't that the girl that fucked up Casey and Kayla?"

"Shh, don't look at her! She might hurt you."

"She can't hurt me. She's too weak haha."

Alpha's head sunk into her body. She put her headphones over her ears. 'Well...that's one of the few things I didn't miss.' She thought to herself. She listened to one of her instrumentals she made and began to write some verses.

As she roamed the halls making her way towards her classroom, she saw the goon squad in the hall, but Bruce was nowhere to be found, just Casey, Kayla, and the Kaivare.

The three girls glared at Alpha, tattered and bruised still from when she kicked their asses, "Well, look what bitch decided to return to school. How was the hiatus?"

Being that Alpha had her headphones she didn't hear them, prompting her to side-eye them and continue towards her classroom.

In all honesty, Casey and Kayla wanted to keep it on a verbal base, but being that Kaivare hadn't gotten the full extent of Alpha's ass kicking... We'll just say she didn't like what was coming next.

"Hey fucker, we're talking to you!" She grabbed Alpha's arm causing her to sling her arm forward, slamming Kaivare face first into the locker.

"Hands off me kid." Alpha growled, looking down at Kaivare who was now lying on the ground, cringing in pain. She let out a huff at the wolf before continuing on her path.

Casey and Kayla helped Kaivare up, dusting her off, "I guess we should've told you to not physically fuck with her." Casey nervously chuckled.

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock." Kaivare held her snout as the girls walked off to the infirmary. Alpha made it to class, on time too. All her classmates and teacher looked up at her, shocked to see her back.

Once Alpha's eyes met (y/n)'s though, she felt a wave of calmness wash over her. She moved towards her seat next to him and sat in her chair. She also took notice of the cat she had seen earlier in their class.

"So, any issues on your way here?" (Y/n) puzzled, gently nudging the white-furred canid.

"Nothing crazy. Just some people talking shit...and maybe another broken nose." She mumbled the last part, rubbing her neck.

(Y/n) had a look of 'really?' on his face. "Well it's not my fault. That Kaivare girl grabbed my arm and my reaction was to pull my arm forward...and I may have slammed her into the locker." Alpha shrugged.

(Y/n) sighed at Alpha's ability to cause damage with ease. "I don't understand what made everyone choose to mess with you anyway."

"Honestly, it might just be the way I carry myself. I give off high levels of confidence, or at least I tried to, and I don't think my ailments aid me in my journey." Alpha scribbled on her paper, drawing a car. She clearly wasn't interested in today's lesson, and this was advanced placement. Made (y/n) question how she was passing with A's.

As the boring day droned on the duo continued to whisper back and forth, trying their best to not get caught by the teacher, although they didn't really care, "Code red, code red. This is not a drill, code red."

Rang out over the intercom as students began to slightly panic and get away from all windows and doors, except for our stubborn albino, who ignored her black instincts and instead ran into the danger zone, ready to fight. "Alpha! Where are you going?" (y/n) softly whispered to the hellhound that squeezed out of the door and into the halls.

He knew it was stupid, but he chose to follow her.

(Okay! 10 years, 6 months, 12 1/2 days later I finally dropped this short ass chapter. I realized I just kept getting writers block so I just tied this up in a random way so I can have a Segway into the next chapter, besides that...THANK YOU ALL FOR 9K READS!!! It truly means a lot to me that this fantasy I've had since a kid has been entertaining enough for this many people to read it. I'm gonna do my best to make some upgrades around here, including my upload schedule, but I don't speak on that because when I do, I do the complete opposite of what I say.)

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