HATE is a Weak Word

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First Person: (Y/N) POV

It's quiet..... Very quiet..... There's so much tension in the air it's stifling. Alpha's glaring out of the windshield the streetlight showing the clear anger in her features. Peering back at Bruce, he's looking out of the car, ears low. 'I had a feeling having these two in the same space wouldn't go good.'

"You know you got some nerve to come and try to talk to me after the shit you've done." She grips the wheel tighter.

"I-I know. I know I messed up and you hate-"

"No no, hate isn't a strong enough word, I LOATHE you. You were the only person I could trust with myself, both mentally and emotionally, and you treated that trust like it was shit! You just threw it out, all for some fucking clout, then you wait till our Senior year to want to TALK about it?! You had all of Junior year and half of Sophomore year, pandemic or not!"

Bruce sinks back into his seat with a look of guilt on his features, his eyes meet mine then back out the window.

Bruce's POV

*Sigh* She's right. I waited too long to apologize for my mistakes. Hopefully, she'll still be willing to hear me out when we get to her house.

(Y/N)'s POV

Alpha makes a hard left turn, throwing Bruce and I to the right of the car. Where the hell are we, and why is this road in the middle of all these trees. At least it's a well lit, paved road and not a dark dirt road.

After driving for about a minute, we reach an opening with a nice house in the middle of all the trees

"Whoa, this is your house?" Alpha nods her head and pulls up to the front of the house, cutting off and getting out of the car

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"Whoa, this is your house?" Alpha nods her head and pulls up to the front of the house, cutting off and getting out of the car. Bruce and I follow behind her. She opens the her front door,

 She opens the her front door,

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"Wow, your house is so nice." Bruce lets out a hum in agreement. She glances back at us and points for us to take a seat and walks off.

"Well, I've made it farther than I thought I would. Honestly, I thought she would've left me at curbside, or have kicked me out of the car," I look over at Bruce and read his body language, he's nervous, I don't blame him either. If I betrayed a person like Alpha's friendship, I'd be nervous to talk to her again too.

Speaking of which, she walks back into the room with three cans, tossing me a can of (F/D), chucking a can of Sprite at Bruce, catching him extremely off guard. She then sits on the chair next to the couch and looks at us.

"Ok, now I want a full indepth 20 page essay on why and what the hell made you want to come looking for me to 'talk to me'." She points at the cheetah next to me, emphasizing the you.

Bruce lets in a sharp breath, " I wanted to come looking for you because.... I wanted to apologize, for everything that I put you through because of my stupidity. I should've never listened to Casey and tried to gain popularity through the suffering of my best friend. The end result wasn't worth the overall results and I'm sorry, for the name calling, the mental and physical trama."

Alpha sits back, looking like she could give two fucks, "Stand up."


"I said, Stand. Up." Bruce stands up in front of the couch, almost immediately. Alpha stands up and walks in front of Bruce and looks down at him, her figure towering over him.
Silence passes

'Holy shit!' Alpha slapped the fuck outta him, his cheek is turning red. I watch Bruce cup his cheek and baby it in pain. "Y-yeah I-I deserved that."

"That was for fucking betraying me in the first place," she then pulls him into a slight hug, "And this is for having the guts to come and apologize to me in person. It's still gonna take a bit for me to trust you again, but we can be friends, but you have to keep hanging with Casey and them, I want you to dig up more dirt on them so I can turn this footage into the police and get them in trouble." A few tears spill from Bruce's eyes, happy to have his friend back.

'That's heartwarming but, I wonder what I should have for dinner? It's way too late to order something, I'm not the best cook but, maybe Alpha will let me attempt to throw something together. Don't want to burn her house down though.' A hand is in my face, wait, a hand?

"Earth to (Y/N), are you there pal?" Alpha questions, nabbing my attention.

"You buzz?"

"Are you hungry or are you cool? I want to know before I make something." I give her a 'how did you know look' and nod my head aggressively. She giggles at my silliness and walks off to the kitchen.

Bruce slowly slips into my view, "Dude, I think she likes you~" I push him away, blushing, "Bro what? I don't know what you're talking about." Bruce smirks at me and chuckles. "If you say so fam, but it obvious." I look away from Bruce and start messing with my phone. 'I doubt she likes me.'

*Mini Time Skip*

After around 15 minutes, Alpha walks back out with some juicy, mouthwatering gyros

After around 15 minutes, Alpha walks back out with some juicy, mouthwatering gyros

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"Alright, eat up boys and enjoy." She then takes her seat on her chair again and grabs the T.V remote, switching on some CoryxKenshin.

"Bro, why are you such a good cook? This is deliciousness." I melted into the comfy sofa, this is so good it's not even funny.

Alpha laughs more than likely at me and Bruce in pure ecstasy, "Like I told you before, it's all about trial and error." I look to my left and see Bruce laughing.

"Yeah, like when we first met you tried to make a hot dog and managed to set the water on fire!" I start laughing at the statement he made, getting hit in the face by the pillow Alpha threw at us.

"Th-that was that one time! Plus, you said you wouldn't tell anyone!" She blushes and puts her face in her knees. "Last I checked water wasn't flammable." I said still chuckling at her embarrassed self.

'God she is so adorable when she's embarrassed'

She jumps up almost falling forward and walks over to a cabinet and pulls out two blankets and throws them at us, "Alright that's it. Bed time, good night!" She takes off up some stairs.


(Alpha up stairs)

"Well, good night dude." Bruce collapses on the opposite couch and covers himself in his blanket.

'Well I guess I'll see them in the morning then.' I lay back on the couch and put myself in a blanket burrito and let the drowsiness take over.

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