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Third person: Alpha's POV

The bugs were buzzing and humming loudly as Alpha and her squad carefully trekked through the forest in the humid air.

"Sarge, what else are we looking for out here?" Her Private questioned quietly as they continued to look and carefully move through the trees, remaining vigilant.

"We're searching for more traps and more tunnels to demolish. After that, we can head back to base..." Alpha froze up and took a deep breath, taking in the scent of her surroundings.

Before she could spin around and stop her platoon fully, one of them stepped forward and snagged his foot on a tripwire, snagging the pins out of two grenades. "SHIT! GET INTO COVER!"

She quickly dashed and hid behind a tree, dragging the Private with her and ducked down. Hearing the grenades go off, she slightly flinched, followed by silence and a soft groan.

Her and the Private peek from around the tree to see blood and corpses along the forest floor. Everyone was dead.

"Oh God. What the fuck..." The Private spoke under his breath. Alpha knelt down and glanced over her fallen members. She held her hand out coating them all in her purple hue again, placing their bodies into her pocket dimension to transfer back to base.

"Let's go. We gotta return and get them back to base. We'll resume this mission once we're more prepared." The Private whipped his head around and stared at the hound in shock.

"Resume?! What the fuck else do we need to come out here for? Our whole squad is dead! I know you're a young girl, but holy fuck your stup-" He was cut off by a swift backhand across his face from Alpha.

"Randall, YOU need to shut your fucking mouth. You're being too loud and spewing bullshit. I'm just doing what I'm told we have to do; push back the dinks, and until that's fulfilled I'm stuck out here with you fucks making sure y'all don't fucking die. This war isn't like any other war I've ever been in. These damn traps are wiping us out more than the soldiers."

The Private, now known as Randall, just stared at Alpha in bewilderment, still in shock from her brutal slap, but he listened on. "Now, change your damn socks, get your ass up and let's get moving. We can't just sit around here much longer, the congs are more than likely on the way over here after the explosion."

Alpha picked up her Stoner 63 and lifted Randall to his feet and began to march back from where they came. Randall took one last look at the forest floor that was now painted red before quickly tailing after her.

The trip was filled mostly with the sounds of the forest and running water from the nearby river. Randall was too scarred from what he witnessed and Alpha didn't care to conversate at this point in time.

"U-Uh, I never asked but, how did you end up here? Women aren't allowed to fight typically." Randall asked genuinely curious how Alpha ended up as a Sargent in Nam.

"Well Private, you humans have a rule where if you're a 'animal', no matter the gender you can serve, so I volunteered and have been serving since World War II in the U.S. Marine Corp." Randall seemed shocked at the hound's statement.

"You fought in WWII? Just how old are you?" Alpha looked back over her shoulder at the male and smirked.

"Didn't ya momma tell you to never ask a woman her age?" She faced back forward and continued to walk.

"Well, did the Corp. not take into account of your white fur sticking out like a sore thumb?" He puzzled, continuing behind the girl.

"Yeah well, it hasn't gotten me or my platoon killed before, if anything it's gotten us outta hella trouble. Well, me out of trouble."


Upon arrival at the base, Alpha unloaded her platoon's lifeless corpses so their deaths could be taken into account and their families informed. She then walked off to the barracks where she unloaded and laid on her cot, closing her eyes to take a quick nap.

HEY HEY EVERYONE 🗣️🗣️🗣️‼️‼️‼️
How have y'all been? Hopefully good because I've been pretty good. Got a new job, getting my hobbies together and saving for a new car. It's been a minute since I wrote and I've been stretching out this chapter for a HOT minute, but wait no longer for we have reached a new era and I'm going to try to write more often

We're also teetering on the edge of 17k reads🎉🎉🎉🎉 Thank you all so much for taking part and hopefully enjoying my little book. I might have to give y'all a special chapter😏(Even if it takes me a month to write it💀) but we won't worry about it. I hope you all have a WONDERFUL DAY!!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!

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