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(This first scene is gonna be lewd, nothing too crazy)

First Person: (Y/N) POV

"W-Well it's not my fault. It's a natural reaction. What are you thinking?" I try to defend myself, questioning the girl in my arms, as I avoid making eye contact.

I feel her hold the sides of my face in her palms, she turns my head to make me look at her. I stare into her eyes, mesmerized by their different colors "I should be the one asking you what are you thinking."

She smirks at me, rubbing herself against me more, earning a small groan from me "You've only known me for 2 days and you already want to get in my pants. Don't you?~"

My face turns a bright red at her advances, I never thought of Alpha being so bold. Our face start getting closer to each other, our bodies pressed more firmly against each other. I bring my leg in-between Alpha's thighs, causing her to gasp in shock, her face turning red as she bites her lip. This causes me to smirk.

"Looks like I've turned the tables on you, haven't I?" I roll Alpha onto her back and get above her, keeping my knee in place. She squeezes her thighs around my leg, her warmth enveloping it.

"Sh-Shut it, I-I'm just very sensitive down t-there." She breathes out. I bring my hand to her face and gently cup her cheek, her blush growing.

*Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock*

There's no way that just happened, I can see the amount of disappointment in Alpha's face being that our moment was interrupted. I get off of her and let her get up, her tail still slightly wagging, giving me a view of straight cheeks. "Nice view~" she throws some socks at me and fixes her hoodie, now covering her rear end.

Alpha's POV

I swear, whoever is at my door better have a good reason. That- that would've been my first time, doing anything really. I blush at the thought of (Y/N) taking me, let alone touching me. I shake my head and fully step out of the bedroom and into the living room.
As I approach the door, I get this weird feeling for some strange reason. It feels like I'm being watched. I look through the peephole to see a black wolf. That I've never seen before.

"Who is it?" I question before I think to open the door

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"Who is it?" I question before I think to open the door. The woman holds up a FBI badge with her name and picture on it.

"This is Agent Kaivare with the FBI. I'm here on behalf of Mr. And Mrs. Vesti to investigate a hellhound by the name Alpha." She says in a booming voice, lowering her badge.

'Ain't no way this girl really got her parents to call the FBI on me for kicking her ass. Something doesn't feel right.' I think to myself grabbing my laptop and returning to the door.

As I open the door the woman looks up at me, staring into my soul. Her short figure radiating seriousness. "Yes ma'am. You wanted to talk?"

I step aside letting the woman in, closing the door behind her. I walk over and sit across from her on the couch and open my laptop. "Yes. It has come to light that last night you assaulted two students; Casey Vesti and Kayla Vouge."

I take a good look at her badge and open up a software on my computer. With a press of a few buttons I'm in the FBI'S Identification system, and I typed in her badge ID.

"Yes, that is true. The two approached me, verbally assaulting me, and after everything in the past I finally decided to do something back." Looking back at my laptop, I see that her badge doesn't show up in there system.

I instead choose to type in her name. The results that came back weren't very surprising.

Name: Kaivare Ana, Hataca
Occupation: Kurger Bing employee
DOB: 2005/9/11
Main IP address:

No Criminal Record

'Hmm, so she's not a real agent. I knew I had a weird feeling about her.' I pick my glasses off the coffee table and press the button on the side, turning on the camera.

"Ah, so you are admitting to committing the act of battery? Causing a fracture of Casey's nose?" She questions, tilting her head

I nod, not breaking eye contact with her I start to smirk. "Wholeheartedly." I can see that her demeanor faults for a bit before returning to serious.

"Ok I'm going to need you to put on some clothes and come with me" she gets up and walks towards the door. I retreat back to my bedroom, being greeted by (Y/N) laying on the bed, scrolling through the TV.

"Who was it? Was it important?" I walk to my dresser and grab some basketball shorts and throw them on.

"Oh yeah. Very important. It was an "FBI agent" sent by Casey's parents, allegedly. Now she wants me to follow her outside, I want you to climb out my window and meet me down there. There should be some rope under my couch you can use." I informed, putting on my custom AF1s.

(Y/N) jumps up and gets ready to leave the room until I stop him. "Wait til you hear the front door close, because the girl is still here." He nods stepping back, letting me step out first.

"Ok let's go. I'm ready." I open the door and let the girl step out first following behind her.


The second I hear Alpha lock the door I burst out of her bedroom and jog over to her couch. I get down and look under the couch, grabbing the rope.

'Why does she keep rope under her couch? Whatever, that's a question for later.' I tie one end of the rope to the couch leg and throw the rest out of the window. I put my shoes back on my feet and climb into the windowsill, I slowly begin my descent, watching my step to make sure I don't pull an Alpha.

As I reach the bottom, I drop from the rope and roll. Taking a quick look around to see if anyone saw me, I crouch and make my way around the building. Spotting the goon squad. I wait for about 3 minutes before seeing Alpha and that girl step out of building, the girl pushing Alpha forward into the center of the group.

"Well, look who fell for our little trick. You really thought I'd get the FBI on you?" Casey laughs, smirking at Alpha. She doesn't respond, just crosses her arms.

Kayla steps forward, her face scrunching up, "You can break some noses, but you can't respond to a question slut?" Alpha still doesn't bother to move an inch. 'What is she thinking?'

Bruce just stands there, looking away, almost like he doesn't want to be here. He looks almost.....guilty?

Casey takes a swing at Alpha hitting her square in the face, with Kayla following up with a kick to her ribs. The random girl kicks Alpha in her legs, causing her to fall to her knees and strikes her in the back.

'Alpha is just taking these hits left and right. What the hell is the reason she's doing this, just letting herself get beat down?!' I come fully from around the corner, charging a strike. When I arrive, I punch the black wolf across the face. She turns to look at me and growls, bearing her fangs.

"Bring it bitch!" As she charges at me I drop down on one knee and grab her around the waist, slamming her on the concrete. Gasping for air, she slams her elbow down in by back multiple times. I responded with a strong smack across her face dazing her, allowing me to get up and look at Alpha to see her kick Casey's knees, sending her to the ground, she then strikes her across the snout causing a sickening crack noise.

Casey holds her face in pain, curling into a ball. Alpha stands up, her tall figure looming over Casey and Kayla. Right before she could charge and take down Kayla too, Bruce runs up behind her and locks her arms and head in place, "Alright, that's enough. You need to calm down." Alpha, ignoring his words, keeps struggling trying to break loose, but obviously isn't think straight enough to do so.

I look to my right to see 10 administrators running from the main building coming straight for us. I look back at Alpha, and it seems she noticed too. She crouches down, forcing Bruce's grip to loosen, allowing her to slip away and run, but Bruce doesn't fully let go, being pulled with her.

I take off following their tracks. I refuse to get caught.

The Day Runts Took Over(Male ReaderxFem! OC)Where stories live. Discover now