Back Where it Began

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Third Person

Alpha is shown struggling for her life trying to get out of Mcgillan and the handcuffs grip. This is her first time ever getting caught, and of course it would be for the last reason she'd ever want to be in cuffs.

"Nonononono, let me go!  LET.ME.GO!" She throws her head back, trying to hit his face in an attempt to get Mcgillan to loosen his grip, but he catches her head with his palm.

"There won't be any of that, now get in the car and watch your head." He lowers Alpha into one side of the cop car and Dexter puts (Y/N) in the other side, closing the doors and walking over to her parents.

"No, please let me out! I-I-I-I don't wa-wanna g-g-go back!" Alpha begins to cry uncontrollably, albeit unwillingly. She begins slamming into the door, trying to break it open and failing. Being that he was the more calm and levelheaded one, (Y/N) had his hands cuffed infront of him, so he began to attempt comforting his girlfriend.

"Hey, look Alpha, it'll all be ok. I'm here for you." He pulls her as close as he can and kisses her, holding her close to him as she has a breakdown in his arms. 10 minutes go by, Dexter and Mcgillan get in the car to see the two canids cuddled up in the back, the hellhound's cheeks stained from crying.

"Well, we have to take you two to the station first, then we will let you go back with your parents-"

"NO! Don't make me go with them, please." Alpha cuts Mcgillan off, scaring him a bit.

"We got no choice lass, yer parents have been searching for ya fer over 9 years."

"Yeah, why do you think I ran away? I didn't want to be there, I chose to live a better life, now I don't want what they're selling. Let. Me. Go!" (Y/N) starts to pet Alpha's head to calm her down, making her tail wag slightly behind her.

"Well wether you like it or not, you have to go. It's our job, end of discussion." Mcgillan states, ending the debate in it's tracks. Alpha sighs and lays against (Y/N), sulking in her lost.

First person: (Y/N) POV

"This suck man. I don't want to have to go back to dealing with their bullshit." I have to agree with her. She's made such a way for herself as an independent woman, conquering the race world and making good music that's not gibberish. Now she has to go back to being oppressed.

Most I can do is comfort her, let her know she's not alone. At least we have a possibility of getting away again. I hope.

*Time skip*

We've finally made it to the station, and I'm half awake right now. Dexter helps me out of the car, while Mcgillan struggles to get an asleep Alpha out of the other side. "Yeah, good luck moving her when she's out like that."

Mcgillan attempts to pick Alpha up, but by the looks of it from over here, she's too heavy for him, "If you want I could help you carry her."

Mcgillan looks at me and squints, why the fuck is he looking at me like that? "How do we know we can trust you not to run?"

"Well, I don't have a criminal record and I'm not willing to change that because I didn't do anything illegal but I still chose to run from the police for no reason." He still looks skeptical of me despite my valid ass explanation.

"Ya know, the boys got a point. He hasn't done nothing for him to be classified as a criminal, plus, I feel we should be more worried of the girl than him. He actually cooperated with us, she tried to bash your nose in and run." See Dexter agrees with me, that should be more than enough proof.

I see Mcgillan nod his head then I feel the handcuffs release my wrist. I rub them a bit to ease the stiffness and soreness from the cuffs. "There, now help me carry this girl before I get a hernia."

I walk to the other side of the car and crack my neck, "Stand aside," I wrap one arm around Alpha's torso and tuck my other arm under her legs and lift her as if she's weightless, again.

"Ha, she's like the sword in the stone, only the one who's worthy can lift it." We chuckle at the little joke Mcgillan made before we start to make our way into the station. Once inside they do some paper work before putting us in a holding cell.

"Alright so, (Y/N) you're allowed to keep your handcuffs off and we made it to where Alpha's arms are now in front of her so she can be more comfortable. Both of you twos parents will be down here in about an hour, so you two sit tight until then." I assume this is the Capitan based off her badge.

"Huh, what time is it," I look to my right to see a drowsy Alpha arising from her slumber and rubbing her eyes with her cuffed paws, "Wait, what the hell!? Where am I?! What's going on?!?!"

"Hold on, wait. Calm down it's ok, we're just in a holding cel-"

"A holding cell?! Broooo, why didn't you run with me?! Augh, this is your fault! Your at the center of this operation!" She turns and points at the Capitan.

"I might be at the center of this operation, but it's not my fault. Blame yourself for running away and your parents for being good parents and wanting their daughter back. Although, it's gonna cost them a fine for us to release you, you've accumulated quite the record these past years. Multiple accounts of reckless driving, super speeder, getaway driver, the list goes on."

"So how many years does that land me?" Don't tell me she'd rather serve those years instead of going home.

"Possibly around 5-6 years-"

"Yeah, not even gonna lie, y'all can keep me here. I'm not going back with them. And plus my bail is probably what, a couple hundred thousand? My parents probably don't have that kind of money, I think?" Holy shit, I knew some of the stuff Alpha did wasn't legal, but I didn't know it was a couple hundred thousands worth of illegal activities.

"Actually sweetie, we do have that kind of money and some, and you should know that." I look to my left and see both mines and Alpha's parents, I feel Alpha grab my shoulders and I look back to see her shrink behind me upon seeing her parents.

"Why are you hiding from us Kira, you act like we were abusive towards you." Wait, Kira?

"Maybe not physically but mentally, I don't want to go back with you two. I just want to go get MY car and go to MY house."

"You have no choice young lady. You may be the youngest but you're the one who's meant to be the next leader of our tribe." The Captain opens the cell door allowing my mom and dad to rush in and embrace me, but I'm honestly not listening to them, I'm looking at Alpha's parents. How they're showing her affection, but her face, she looks so dead inside.

"Come on Kira. Let's get you back home." They lift Alpha up, all I can do is look at her struggling against them. She grabs onto the cell doors, stopping them in their tracks, she turns and looks at me and mouths 'help, please'.

I get up and dash over to Alpha and hold her hands. "At least let me talk before you drag me off." Her parents let her go and signal she has 5 minutes. Alpha stands up fully and towers over me and her parents, God I forgot how tall she is and her parents seem surprised by this.

Alpha wraps her arms around me, squeezing me in a hug, I do the same, just enjoying her warmth and scent, "(Y/N), I don't wanna go. I want to be able to see you."

"I know. Don't worry, I'll do whatever I can in my power to be there for you. I won't leave you hanging." When I say that, a smile spreads across her face as she pulls me into a deep, long kiss, earning a gasp of surprise from our parents.

"Here, if you get a chance, can you go back to the mall and get my car? Maybe drop it off at my house?" She hands me her car keys. I nod my head at her gaining a 'thank you' as she turns around and walks of with her parents, her ears drooping again.

The Day Runts Took Over(Male ReaderxFem! OC)Where stories live. Discover now