Part 1- News

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The media still keep hyping the news since two weeks ago. It just a simple interaction but just like always, anything the duo touch will become a news. A simple birthday party become the topic.
The guest keep sharing their moment and the fans become crazy because he never have this kind of party before.
The bakery, the bar , the food , the theme and the metawin as speacial guest. Actually he dont need anything beside metawin for his birthday to become this viral.

It his 25th birthday. It just simple birthday for anyone but not for him and me. This is the year that everything will be change. He already have a free happy live this past 5 years. He is so happy celebrating his day with his friends. He almost forget that what the day mean, or what promise we have.
Looking at him blowing the candles and  cake hold by metawin make me a bit hurt but i just let it go. I spent ten minute at his party before leaving my present to him. No more running baby, i am back now. I turn to him one last time, and he happyly feeding cake to metawin.  Enjoy your day baby, wait for me.

I just arrive at thailand at 8 am on his birthday 2 weeks ago. I avoid this beautiful land almost for 5 years.
I love this land so much, but i need to keep my promise to my beautiful famous husband. It a bonding that i try very hard to keep and he try very  hard  to leave. But it about time i claim what belong to me. He need to know who he belong to. I can do it roughly but i respect and love him so much. My family call me coward because i let him go five years ago. He never come back after that one morning. Honestly i was waiting for him everyday, but he never once thought of me and come back to our home.

I look at his article and news. He is still the same bright i know before. He know what he want and try hard to achieve his goal. He is someone with an ambitious dream. I can see he manage to achive all his dream. I am so proud of him. I still cant believe he was at london for his fesyen week but he never visit us, his family. He is still mad at all of us. I will never forget his reaction to our marriage agreement by our father. He is just 20 years old young handsome boy forced to  marry 25th years old most wanted bachelor. Our father manage to make him married to me but we lost him for real. Being the richest and powerful person cant make him stay but also make him leave all his inherittance from his father.

Flash back

Bright where are you going i ask him at a very cold day after our marriage. I already fullfill all their crazy wish, i will find my own hapiness now he calmly said. What do you mean i ask him. Since we cant divorce, i will just leave and you can do and live how you want. I dont care he said. How can you said that, i ask him. We are married now. This is a bonding that will be with us for life i try to convince him. He just smile and shake his head. Maybe for you p, but not for me. I wont stay in this bonding without love. I wont live like a programmed robot. You never be in my life plan.  How will we live together. And the most important thing is, we dont love each other he said and start walking with his lugage. You can go now, i suddenly said. He turn to me with inquary look. I'll let you go untill your 25th birthday. Live how you want to live. Enjoy your life, do what you want to do but i will claim you back on your 25th birthday i said calmly.
He still look at me without any word. He know without my permission, he cannot go anywhere. No you wont he said. I promise you, i will get you back on your 25th birthday.

Flash back end

After that morning he never look back and start his journey as a lonely poor child who abandon by his father. He choose to live as lone ranger and fight for his life leaving all the luxury and his property. He leave all his cards and cars.
There are a few time i wish i can force him back and pamper him with all the luxury he deserve. But my baby choose hunger than come back to me. His pitiful journey and every obstacle he received during his early career really break my heart. Thanks to his beautiful visual, he manage to enter the entertaiment industry. He really gain my respect when he never regret his decision and walk all the way to stardom by himself. Now he become the world star and heart of thailand.
This fight is no longer between mile and bright but it become Mile and world.
As expected he will try to be out of my reach as much as he could. Since i was never defeated business man, i already prepare for this and have my own way to win him. I know even he act like he is in his own world, he never forget to run from me. You have no way to run baby. I always get what i want especially you. The hunting is begin, i wont play a good husband anymore. I am coming to you now. You have been playing enough. It time to come back to home into my arms. What ever i miss all this years i will get it all from you.  I hope you enjoy your birthday gift. I'm coming for you, wait for me baby.

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