Part 10 - Cold and mean

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I know i am being cold and mean. I just cant surender to him without fighting.
I lost my virginity due to his mean mind.
I need to pay back for what i lost.
I felt a bit sorry when i saw his dissapointed face. But i need to persuade my dad as soon as posible. I need to escape from this relation. P mile so powerful now, there is no way i can fight him myself. Further more he can be really strict now. I hate the new p mile.

I see my daddy waiting for me. I run to him and hug him hard. I can see tears in his eyes. He kiss me and hug me again and again. Daddy i call him when cant stop kissing me. Yes sweety he reply lovingly. Stop kissing me, i am hungry i said being spoil with my dad.
I only have 2 schedule this week, so i can spent more time with my daddy and can try to convince him.
Where is p mile my daddy ask me and look at the door. I felt a bit guilty. He cant make it today, he is busy man i answer to my daddy question. Really my daddy ask back. Really really i answer him. He look at me and slowly said. I wish to be with both of you, i have dream about that since both of you get married. I was a bit shock and worried. Why papa still love p mile. Knowing him, he definitely will angry of him because let me go 5 years ago. It look that i have small chance to use my dad to escape. But i will try my best. Lets go to eat first daddy said and walk into the dining. It felt like back to my child hood where my dad pampered me so much. It seems that i dont hate them for real. I some how happy and felt safe. It just beside only he pampering me, i also learn how to take care of others. I help my daddy and serve him the food. He look at me like he cannot believe his eyes and start crying. Why daddy, i hurrily walk to him worriedly. Nothing daddy really happy, my baby become adult now. I felt a bit regret, he is serving me all his life but for me this is my first time. I am sorry he said again touching my face. I nod and hug him. We better hurry i want play chess with you my daddy said.
Ok dad. But you cannot tire yourself, dont worry i will be with you now, dont need to rushing i comfort my dad.

It really sad looking at my weak dad. How come i totally ignore him all this time. He still the same daddy who always love me beyond anythings.
I keep looking at my sleeping daddy. How he go through his days without me.
After he deep asleep, i walk to hall and call my dad personal asistant, uncle wang. Yes young master, he politely greet me. How are you uncle, i said and hug him. He look suprised and shocked. How are you uncle, i repeat my question. I am fine young master he said. How is daddy, is he really sick i ask him. He look down and try to avoid my eyes. Please uncle i beg him, i know he wont tell me anything if not from my daddy instruction. He is a very loyal man. I am adult now, and i am not kid anymore i try to convince him. His heart condition is not good. Khun mile already try anything he could but he is weak now uncle wang said slowly. Both of us are now keep silent. Thats why khun mile insist for him to come along here, i am glad young master are back now. He is lonely, if not because of khun mile, i dont know what happen he said sadly. After getting the information i dismiss uncle wang and prepared for my event tonight.

For the first time, i felt so disturb during my event. Whats wrong win ask me. My daddy is sick i said. Your what he ask me shockly. I never mention my family to my friends. They thought i am an orphan who have no family. My dad i repeat softly. Where this dad come from, you never talk about him he ask me again. Its a long story, just like i said before, this is not real me. I said. Now he look at me with confuse look. I thought you are joking he said. Can we visit him he ask sincerely. Yes, but now is not the right time. I will introduce him to you later i said and then leave the event

After saying good night and kiss my dad, i walk to my room and look at my phone. There is no message or call from p mile. Is he really angry, i cant stop felt guity. I keep on waiting till i fall asleep.
Its been a day, p mile seem out of radar.
I keep on checking on my phone. So this is how he try to ask for forgiveness, by ghosting me i talk to myself frustratedly. I wont forgive you i decide. Its so annoying to think about him all the time, i should be happy because he is out of my life. I try to divert my mind with try to play with my fans. They are my forever comfort people. I always can back to them when i felt lost. When i open my account, the first thing i see is p mile having a dinner with his girlfriend. Unconciously i start crying. So you are still with her i said. So you pretend to care about me because of the promise.
After a long cry i save the picture and send it to him. After that, i message him.
"You look happy, i dont mind if you are with her, so can you divorce me"

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