Part 5 - Change

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He really changed. He is not my little puppy who follow me everywhere before. He become bolder and fighter. I felt proud of him when he can stand for himself now. But what make me worried the most is he want to walk away from our marriage.  My heart bleed when he said the divorce word. I was living in pain missing him since ten years ago. How could he easily said the divorce word. Did he really forget about me. Did he never like me as i like him. All our childhood memory maybe not that significant to him. What should i do if he like a woman. I cant stop asking myself. I cant breath when he said he will die if i announce our relation. I never confess my feeling to him before, i deeply hope that, his feeling toward me during his younger day are still there, somewhere deep in his heart even i dont know what kind of feeling he have for me. I cant move an inch  since he leave me last night. I can see my butler was startle when he found me in hall. Master he quickly approach me. I nod and leave him without any word.
I need a very good plan to make him mine.

I keep looking at view at my balcony. I still in a deep thought.
"Keep all his cp project on hold" i make one simple call.
I need to make him come to me. He love his Partner so much. He wont let him hurt in anyway.  And it one of my payback because he kiss my husband in the series.

I look at the non stop hold event annoucement for brightwin.
I need to be cold blood to make sure he come to me. I make a big risk when we move back to thailand for him.
We have been in london for decades.
I wont let my sulky husband mention about divorce again. This is his punishment because thought of leaving me. I have be giving him enough time to recover. I cant be soft husband anymore since he become more bold. And i also notice he a bit scare when i yelled at my helper. He still my little puppy, i just need to play my card correctly to tame him back.

After a bit rest, i now waiting for my angry puppy. I know he will back today.
I keep ignoring his call which i wait for 5 years. I cant describe my heart right now even i know the reason he reach out to me. I felt so much better than getting milions contract.  I purposely choose this mansion so that i can courting my husband seriously.  That why all my family member  stay at the main house. His dad also come with me and now staying at one of our mansion. He wont be here for good but he come to meet his son who he miss so much.  I felt a bit guilty when i make a decision alone without discusion with him last past years. To make up for that, sincerely i play the role of son in law perfectly. I serve him like i serve my parent. He is angry at first place but after a few month, he start to understand the reason why i choose this hard dècision.

I smile when i heard a report from my security. So he finally here.
Let him in i said to the head of security.
Not long after that i can see he is running furiously toward me.
Are you crazy he yelled at me.
What wrong baby i ask him pretend to be innconcent. Cut the crap he scream and come forward roughly try to beat me.  Since i already calculate all his reaction, i easily avoid his attack and push him to sit on the couch.
Calm down, we will talk i softly said to him. I said it before, we have nothing to talk. We have no relation , i will file for...
Before he finish his sentence  i kiss him hard. He so shock and stun for a moment before strugle to push me who devour his lips. I hold his face to prevent him from moving.  I leave his lips, looking at his angry eyes and softly ask but determine. Can we talk now. No, he reply a big no to my face. Once again i kiss him hard and push him harder.. he eyes become wider try hard to escape from my hold. Are we now i ask again a bit louder. No, he scream again but with tears this time. He start crying a mess. I slow realease my hold and pull him into my hug. He mesirablely crying and hug me back. He must be so angry  now, he dont even notice he now hugging me for support. I slowly caressing his back.
I hug him softly, not as aggresive as i kiss him. I let him calm down and pouring all his tears. When he felt a bit relieve he finally aware of our position. He immediate push me. This time i allow him to escape from my hug, so that i can see his face but he still in my tight hold.  Can we talk now i ask while caressing his swollen lips, i try to comforting him and giving a warning to him at the same time. He finally nodded agree to my request. I slowly release him and received his sudden punch from he. I can felt bleed in my mouth but i keep maintaining my expression. Are you felt better now i ask after his punch. He now sit straight in front of me and folded his arms. The same way when he is sulky with me during our younger day.
I look at his pouty lips and blushing face  closely. I really miss this so much. Call me crazy, but i miss all of him. I try to hold his hand but was rejected coldly.

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