Part 9- Daddy

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I can see he try to use his daddy to escape from me. Not a chance baby. I just cant help but to smile when i see his angry glare. Dont he know he is so cute doing all this thing. He is definitely still my cry baby but stubborn one compare to before. Beside that he still the same boy i love so much.

I love to see how he forgive and worried about his dad. I wish he can forgive me too. He is sulky, please be patient his dad say encaurage me when i send him off.
He love you so much that why he angry with you more he said again try to talk on behalf of his son. I know i said and hug him before get him into the car.

Lets go i said and hold his waist to help him. Dont touch me he said coldly. Someone will take a picture he said stubornly. Ok i wont i said. He is covering from head to toe. Living as an artist not as cool as it seen. He also ask me to wear mask and walk behind him. He really try to prevent gossip or scandle.

I want my daddy, send me to my daddy he said when we get into the car. You will, i will send you tomorrow i said as per plan. I want to go now he start his tantrum. I just look into my phone and ignore him. P he call me when i did't give a response to his tantrum. He pull  and bite my hand. It was expected from him. So you still love to bite, i said and look at his teeth mark.  Now you hear me he said. You know the answer is no i calmly said. But i miss my dad he try again. No you dont, you leave him alone for 5 years, another 1 day mean nothing to you. I state the cruel statement. He now look a bit fluster and regret.  That was because he force me to marry you he reply. I hate you p he said and turn to other side.

Lets go, we need a good rest, we have a long day. I said and pull him to our bedroom.  Can i have my own room he ask still trying. No i said again and pull him to help him change his cloth. He push me and walk into toilet to change his cloth. He must be crying but i really need to be firm now.
I hold him tightly when he get into my bed.  I am sorry baby, lets sleep now i said and kiss his forhead. He is angry but still hug and sleep in my arms.
I look at his beautiful handsome face. What will you do after this i talk to myself. I kiss him one more time and fall asleep.

P wake up, i heard he call me. I open my eyes he look so ready to go to his dad. Its already 8 am. I caress his hair and walk to toilet. He look so excited to leave me that make me a bit hurt. I keep feeding him and ready to leave the house.
He look confuse when i drive the car myself.  I want to be with you alone. I said and touch his hand. He push my hand and look at the window.
P will be going to conference in london, can you promise me to wait for me i ask him.
He just silent and he murmur that, for someone who broke his promise, he is demanding so much. I only can smile on his attitude towards me. I know he is obeying me because of his friends and partner. Its hurt me so much when i think of the reason make him with me now.  Its a quiet journey, i try to talk to him but he keep ignoring or reply with short answer.

You dont need to come in. He said firmly when we arrived at his dad mansion.
I try to look cool and compose myself. Come here, let me hug you i said and try to pull him but he refuse and quickly get out of the car. He walk into the mansion without once looking back at me. I can felt my tears on my cheeks when i wait for him to get into his dad house.
I wait for 5 years so a week is easy, i comfort myself and leave the house with heavy heart.

I make a call and ask my team to be ready, i dont need to postpon my flight since he dont even invite me into his house.

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