Part 6 - Ban

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I cant believe this, within 24 hours i and win received nonstop notification to put all our project and event on hold. All our fans start protesting in every media they could. We, as usual become the nonstop hot topic.

I look at my best friend who lovely and cheerful like bunny now crying hard. He was so frustrated and confuse. Why all of his event and project was on hold. The fans speculate that all this ban or hold event are due to his mistake since no event from my solo event was on hold. I hold and hug him tight. I keep asking for forgiveness in my heart. In one glance i already know the reason all of this happen overnight. He is the only one who have power to pull a string like this. I cant believe he become this ruthless man. He is not the same p mile who i know before. He change so much.

I send my bunny home and tug him into sleep. My cute bunny friend was crying mess and look so tired. I wait until he sleep before i leave to go to p mile.
I cant let my best partner become the victim of our fight. He was with me from the scracth. We work hard together and rely on each other. We can face any challenge if we work together. But this time i wont let him hurt. Its my own problem. I just can let my close friend suffer because of me.

I was so angry when he ignore all my calls. This is my second call after our separation last five years. How could he ignore me and push me to this extend.
I will kill him if i need to. No one can touch my friends. I only have them to share my sadness and happiness. They are the one who share my sucess and become my protector when i was fell down. Again I drive fastly to his mansion. I can see he is expecting me by looking how the gate was already open for me.

Now siting here sulking with swolen lips is far from my imagination. This is not what i plan. I dont know he become this heartless. I cry all my heart because of my frustration. But he dont even blink and keep calm. He have no soft spot for me anymore. He become the monster our parent build.

You know what you need do to stop all this. He said blankly. I turn to him with hate eyes. You can go to your room and take a rest, the helper will prepair lunch and i have meeting to attend after that. I expect you know how to behave and be a good boy. He straightfowardly confess to all his wrong doing. He casually make a phone call in front of me. "Lift all metawin ban. Give him prada" he end his call after that one sentence and look straight into my eyes sending his warning. I hate you so much i said it with all my heart then run to my room.
After five minute, i received call from metawin who now crying happily. I just smile and cry along with him.
I look into my company announcement.
Hacked, only stupid people will believed this. There is no way hackers will target my online partner. The fans become happy again, everythings back to normal and to the right place, except for me.
Now i already experiance his ruthless, i need to be a lowkey and plan carefully how to escape.

Baby lets eat he suddenly touch my head softly. What are you doing , get out of my room. Dont you ever dare to touch me again i yelled at him.
This is our room and as your husband of course i will touch you he reply calmly.
My eyes become wider listen to his terified answer. Come he softly pull me with no room of rejection.

I will pick you up for gala dinner tonight, be a good boy, peter will arrange for everything he said. I need to go now, i have an urgent meeting. He said and casually kiss me and before leave me in my room. I felt the dejavu. Its always one way of comunication. I have no voice in any situation. I cant believe this. Will my life back to living doll life. This is not happening i said and start crying.
I thought i was strong enough to face him, but i was totally wrong. I still the same spoiled boy who cant do anything. I still the same boy who was pampered who cant say a word to protest.
I really hate this version of me.
I am so scare if the public know our relation. I am not ready for this yet.
What should i do.

Its already time for the dinner. I try hard to think but i have no idea how to avoid this beside pleading to him.
I look at myself at the mirror. The most beautiful perfect doll. I even look better compare to my red carpet look. The stylist who style me is not common helper but paid millions for his jobs. There is no way i will look bad. I can felt he is coming to me now. He kiss my cheek and casually said lets go baby. He pull me, hold my hand and start walking. After two steps i stop and look down. What wrong baby he ask me lifting my chin. I can hold it anymore. I just cry and look at him with pleading eyes. Please p, i cant do this. Give me time. I slowly plead. Can i excuse from this dinner. I am not ready i plead again.
He look at me with dont care expression.
I will do anything i desprately begging.
I can see a spark in his eyes. He is business man, he will never get into negotiation that not bring any profit to him. Do you know how much we will lost tonight if we dont attend the dinner he ask me. I shake my head. Can your bare the consequance he ask me firmly. I quickly nod. It will be billion deal he said. Can you responsible to it he ask. I look at him with question look. I mean why he put the blame on me. He can go to the dinner by himself. Are you promise to do anything he ask again. I quickly nod. Ok he suddenly said.

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