Part 3- Angel

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He look so angelic and sweet. I keep looking at beutiful boy who now sleeping after waiting for me. He look so peaceful and it bring back to my darkest memory six or seven years ago.

I remember how i running to the emergency room when i received a call from my mom. Bright is in emergency room, he try to... before my mom finish his sentence i end the call and run to my car. I never drive as fast as at that time. I pray so hard and wish he will be ok. He only 19. He is so young and lonely. Without coucious my tears star flowing to my cheeks. Please be safe baby i pray non stop. With all the life support and wire all over his body, i felt so scared and slowly walk to him. He look like sleeping prince who sleep peacefully. Without sound from the machine i felt he is in other world. Please be strong baby, i will come to you. I promise i will come to you at the right time. Please come back i silently pray. He was in coma state for 2 weeks and i loyally visit him everyday. I was there when he get his awake but i leave him as soon as he awake from his coma.

I remember kneeling in front of my parent. After so many years i finally brave enough to confront both my parent. I just announce my sexuality and my love toward my baby. My mom crying like crazy and my dad just leave me alone. After that he start a series of blind date for me. As obediant son, i follow all his plan and instruction. I was force to be in relationship with a girl and they do what they can to bring me back to normal life. After a years of trying and listen to my family not one sec i forgot about my baby. I live like a puppet to fulfil their expectation and burn myself inside. I still cant forget how hurt he is when i ask him to stop asking me to see him. That was one weeks after my come out confession to my family. Leaving him at that time also like buried half of myself. Just like him i become a lonely wolf between thousands of people. I was living in hell because i dont know how he feel and he is just a young boy at the time. I keep moving foward because i promise him that i will go to him at the right time. When i have the power and ability.

After he wake from his coma, his dad come to my dad and kneel to plead them to accept his son. I never thought i can see this in my life. An arrogant powerful man on his knees ask for his son hapiness. He is willing to give all his property to our family if it can make us accept his son. I really dont know how he know about my feeling. But i immediately understand when i see my dad cry a river and hug me tightly. I 'm sorry son he said plead for my forgiveness. We will make it right this time my father said and his father nod and leave our home. After his father leave my house, my mon start telling the whole story where my dad try very hard to convince his dad to accept my feeling. All this time my dad do everything to prevent his dad to hurt me.
I think he know, when he look how his son so close and like me so much, it just he is so young to understand the word love. So he try hard to prevent it to happen. But looking at his lifeless son in hospital change him for goods. Nothing in this world is more important to him than his son. I am the only one his son like and he is willing to give me to him even lost all his properties. I am very grateful and ready to confess my feeling. But my baby have other plan for me. After wake from his coma, he wake with a strong determination to forget me for good. I try so many time to meet him but all my effort was ignore and i finally turn to our parent and ask for their help. Thats how this arrange marriage happen. Its not like a movie or novel which is due to terminal illness will or for inheritance to force two soul together. Its purely due to my love and my inability to persuade him. I was trained since young to find any method to reach my goal. I felt a bit bad for forcing him. But i know i need to do this.

I still waiting and look at him lovingly. I wish to enjoy this peaceful moment a bit longer before this beautiful man wake up and start his outburst. I miss him so much. Seing him in our bedroom make me happy. I will use any all means to make him mine. Tomorrow is the begining of our new life. I will not allow him to act like he behave before. I will make my ways to his life. Wait for the news baby. You cannot run anymore baby i said and kiss his lips.

After a few more kises he start to move and start opening his eyes. Hi baby, its late already, let have dinner i said casually while holding his hand preventing him from fell down. He look so cutely shock. What are you doing he ask me angrily. Nothing, i just kiss my husband i said. He push me hard showing his anger.
How dare you he scream loudly. I am not your husband. He yell again.
I hold his chin and firmly said. You are my husband and pull his hand. He strugle to escape from my hold. No i am not he scream. But i just ignore all his tantrum and keep pulling him to the dining area. I signal the helper to leave us alone. They look at my husband pitifully. Out i yelled, when they look stunned and not moving after my signal. All of the helper hurrily leave the dining area and my baby finally stop strugling because of my yelling. He look shock and scare.

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