Part 11- Cute baby

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When i look at my phone, i cant stop laughing. You are so cute baby. I cant wait to see you. I can see the image of him crying now. I really dont like to see him crying except when i do him. It make me more passionate when i see him helpless and look weak. I need my rest, i wont be dreaming about him again. He is belong to me. What ever i dream before i will make sure i do it with him. I try hard to ignore him and pretend i dont care about him. He look not good yesterday, but i am sure he is profesional enough to perform his responsibility.

I though living without him is never a problem for me because we live apart for 5 years. But its look like i have my worst week in my life. Now i felt like young boy running to his first love. I am speeding because i cant wait to see him. I supposedly to pick him yesterday, but our flight was delay. When i reach thailand, its already late. So the first thing i do today is pick him up.
Where is he dad i ask after kiss his cheek. He is napping, He must be sulking. He is expecting to see you here early in the morning. He look foward to see you since yesterday. He dont say it but he keep looking at his wacth and door my father in law said.
I am sorry , i am overslept because my jetleg. I explain to my father in law. Maybe i need to carry him on my back, dont be too shock i said to him. He just laugh and shake his head. After i ensure he is ok i now walking to my husband room. I use spare keys which i ask from our butler.

He look beautifully tempting handsome guy who now sleep peacefully. I cant control my self climb up the bed and start kissing him. He must be annoy and start waking up. When he saw me he start to yell and i take this opportunity to kiss him harder. I devour his mouth till he cant breath. I look at his swollen lips and kiss him sofly after that. Lets go home i said sofly to him. No i wont he said with pouty mouth that make me kiss him again. Stop seducing me baby, i dont want daddy heard your scream i said while kiss him non stop. Leave me alone he push me hard. No i wont i said. Lets go, i said and pull him from his bed. No he said start crying. Why i ask him. I dont want to live with a liar he said bravely while sobbing. I am sorry the flight was delay i explain to him. Are you waiting for me baby i ask him with a smile. No he reply quickly try to deny.
Can we go now i ask him, but he choose to stand there and fold his hand.
You can go with your girlfriend. He said firmly. I cant hide but smile to him. Stop smiling he said annoyedly. I dont have girlfriend, but i have beutiful handsome sulky husband i said teasing him. No you dont, if you have you wont ghost him for a week he finally said frustratedly. So my baby missing me so much i said. In your dream he said and run to his daddy room. I walk to daddy room and see him in his daddy hug who try to comfort him.
Now your husband already here, dont angry anymore, do you want him to leave you here he ask his son who now look at him with wider eyes.
Dont worry, i wont leave you like you do 5 years ago. That was the only one time i allow you to leave both of us. That not gonna happen again even i have to tie you i said casually and make him cry harder. Mile don scare him his daddy said. Dont be fool by this spoiled brat dad i said in my heart. He is different now. He know he cant fight me , so he use all he could to escape from me.
Daddy push him a bit, you can visit me again. I told you daddy need to do treatment, so daddy cant be with you, daddy will felt a lot better if you are with your husband. He dad said softly.
He now hug him tighter. Lets go i said pulling him from dad and lift him like a princess, he yell shockly but put his hand around me. See you dad i said and bring him to my car.
In our journey, he strugle to get down but i keep him on my lap and kiss his non stop. Can you stop it he said annoyed with all the kiss. Stop what baby i ask. You are not allow to kiss me he said firmly. So that mean i can annouce our relation. We have our agreement right i ask him seriously. But that was unfair agreement he said again.
I nearly smile looking at how he look now. Thats your agreement and offer baby, i just follow what you ask i said trickly.
Since he cant counter that he scream and cry frustratedly. I know he cant fight this. I whisper something to him and with all his might he strugle to get out of my lap. Stay a put i said sucking his neck. I cant promise your safety if you keep moving i said with hard voice. I just can get enough of him. I mark his beutiful neck with bold bite. I am so proud of myself. He is right, i am his pervet. Imagine living with all the seduction from man or woman for ten years never make me excited, but only looking at his lips drive me crazy. I really cant help it. Furthermore he is my husband. I have my right.

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