Part 7 - Docile lamb

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He look like docile lamb. And very beautiful and handsome on top of that. Did he notice that he just give me his life. As a profiteer i will never miss this chance. I ask him a few times but he still firm with his answer.

Ok i said and he look so relieved and happy. He must be never thought that he will crying mess below me after that one ok. I am willing to lost billions just to keep him for my self. He is crying in pleasure and pain. I look at my beautiful baby who now sleep in my arms. I can see his tears trace and my mark on his body. He is so angry but cant do much since he so tired and in pain.

He is shock when i start kissing him. He Look so scare when i said i will do him when he ask for what i want him to do as a return for not disclosing him tonight. He want to back off from our agreement and fight me hard. I triple my family property value in short time because i am a business man who never miss any chance that can bring profit to me. He must be hating me so much now. At the same time I also know both of us enjoy the pleasure. He is strugling hard when i do him for the first time, but he finally submit to pleasure and start pleading for it. He is so naive and innocent. I have been controlling my self for 10 years. There is no way i will take it easy this time. I kiss him softly and keep gazing his face. I love you baby i said to my sleeping cry baby. I love you too p he answer slowly anwer in sleep talking. I was so shock and excited. Did he really mean it. I kiss him again and again untill i fall asleep

I wake up after i heard a soft sobs on my chest. He is now crying sadly but still hugging me for comfort.
I hold his chin and softly ask him.
Are you ok baby. He cry become harder and i can only hold him and caress his back. He still the same baby i love 10 years ago. Even he is angry with me he always find his comfort from me. I believe i am still there somewhere in his heart.
I want to go to toilet, he said between his sobs. I hurrily bring him to toilet because he cant walk right now. I felt guilty because i cant control myself last night. I help him shower and bring him back to my clean bed.

He have been in bed for two days. Now he look much better and demand to go to his event. He have schedule that he need to attend. I dont think he is fit to work now. I said i will ask the company to postpone the event but only received a death glare.
He must he still in pain when he did not refuse to be send by me. He throw a face mask to me. He ask me to cover myself. He said i am too ugly to become his scandle. I know he try his best to keep his secret. I still remember how he always praise my look and style.

I am waiting and observe him closely. He look so pale and uncomfortable. After he end his event, suddenly he fell down on stage. I can see all staff and fans getting panic. I run to the stage followed by his manager. I bring him to the back stage. A few staff try to unbutton his shirt but i ask them to stop and wait for medical team. I cant let the staff look at his marked body. He was bring to the most expensive hospital in thailand which we have ward under my family name because of big donation from my grandfather. I wait patiently for our family doctor. I cant trust him to any stranger. When he was stable, the doctor come to me with a worried look. What happen, i ask her. He is ok, but i think we need to make a police report she calmly said. I look her for explaination. I think this is sexual assault case She said. I can see so many bite on his body and a bruise due to strugle at his hand. He is not married. Everyone in thailad know him she said.
He have a bit tear on him but was taken care of. Sometime famous person like him was abused and they cannot do anthing about it. He is good guy, i am willing to help him the doctor said. It was embarassing but i just ask her to forget about reporting. But khun, we need to help him, she insist. No need, he is married, keep it to your self i said and leave her who now confuse. Then after a while she smile and leave us alone.

I look at him who sleep like a sleeping beauty. I felt more guilty and a bit regret. I am sorry love, i have to take the chance, i wont let you go again. Please be ok. I know you are hurting, please give me a chance to gain your love back.
I love you so much.

Flash back.

Mile can you please not visit bright again. His dad ask me when he know how i fall in love with his 15 year old son. It felt like my heart was crush and i cannot breath when he ask me on my last visit. He is still young and i dont want you to influence him. I am sorry if i one of the reason you fall for him. Thank you for helping me take care of him all this years. I love you like a son. Can you please help me for last time he plead me as a father. I cant even cry or angry when a father try to protect his son from someone like me. He is still young and wont understand what i felt. His request is not wrong from any angle. He is protecting his son to have normal life. What i have now is only one side love to a younger kids who dont undertand anything. He know with my existance only easily can infleunce his son even i dont do anything. I wont force him direct or indirectly, i need him to love me naturally. What he have toward me now is not love, but he is lonely kid. He used to me because i am the only one allowed to be with him beside his helper.

Flashback end

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