Part 14 - Weird

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Are you ok win ask me weirdly. What wrong with your mood swing he ask me.
I am sorry i said and hug him. I know he is worry about me. He look at me and said sincerely. You know you can trust me right he ask. I nod and feed him the fruit i have. How is your dad he ask after take a bite of my apple. He is stable now, dont worry. I will introduce him soon i said giving him my best smile. Stop smiling like that, you look stupid he said and both of us laughing make the staff look at us.

Are you sure win ask me for thousand time. Yes win for a thousand times i reply to him. How come the company let you travel alone he ask, he cannot believe his ears. Its coincident, i said since my scedule was postpon i can stay here extra 2 days for vacation.
Actually because of my stupid husband i said in my heart. Oh my god, how can i call him my husband i scold my self and blushing. What wrong with you win can hold ot anymore and touch my head.  Why are you so red he ask me. I push his hand and keep walking.  We wave to our fans and bow politely to them. I hope they did not notice that i was flying to bali with p mile. He prepare a luxury vacation but i stubornly refuse and as for bagpacking style. I will make him suffer. At the same time i would like to visit my humanity project since i was here. I already contact them and ask for private visit. I dont want media or fans know about my visit.
Since it was unplan visit, i hope i can enjoy the trip.

He look so handsome in jeans and shirt. I never seen him dressing like this. But since i am more beautiful and handsome i keep my praise in my heart. He really can pull any style.  He just smile when i ask him for thousand time. Are you ok p i ask.  I wish he retreat and go back to thailand. I wish to travel alone.
I choose a jeep as our transport. He must be not comfortable but i love to make him suffer. Let me drive he said. No i refuse stubbornly. Let me enjoy my stay i said. We stop at mall and bought so many thing that we can bring to orphan and abuse victim house. I have been sponsoring a few charity house since s start having my own money. I really dont need them so i always give to the needed in a few country include indonesia. I am thankful for my official fan club for handling them for me. I have been active activist since my early year. 

He look comfortable and can adjust to his surrounding. He dont act like a prince and casually lifting all the heavy things we bought. He also being friendly with the local.  I never saw this sight of him. He also know how to respect the local sensitivity. He try to act like a normal friend when we are with the public. I pass him the cold water and he with a smile he said thank you.  He is so handsome and can actract woman and man. Lets go, its getting late i said when he look happy chatting with the local.
After saying our farewell we start our journey to charity house.
What wrong, are you tired he ask me when i start silent war. Let me drive he said. I just glare at him. I cant hide my jelousy when he is so close with beautiful tourist before who help him lift the goods when they know all of the item for charity. I apreciate their help but i hate it when he being friendly.
What he ask me again confusely.
When we stop for lucnh, i go to him and mess his hair. I dont want he look handsome.  But it seem like a wrong move. He look more hot with that hair.  I force him to wear mask and happily walk away after that. He must be knowing the reason why i am sulking. I can hear his laugh and follow me after.
Can you eat it i ask, i am worried but at the same time i like to teas him.
He just nod and enjoy his lunch. .p i call him. He look at me. Have you do this before i ask him because he look so comfortable and relax.  There is a lot of thing you dont know about me he said and smile continue his lunch. So he is not onlg the prince.
After lunch we hurrily go straight to the orphan house. We will sleeping there tonight and visit the other one before travel back to thailand. I really love do something like this and i felt double happiness when i am doing this with p mile.

When we arrived it already late afternoon. The principle who was a beautiful old lady greet us warmly.
Finally we can see the angels he said. I smile and hug him. Please mom i said and hug her again. It was my 3rd visit. So i already love this old lady so much. Come he invite us to their beautiful home. She explain that they use the money wisely and make a lot of maintainance and get better education. She even manage to hire tutor for her kids. The kids will be happy to see both of you again she said.  I think she get it wrong but i dont corect her.  Have a rest and we will gather during the dinner. You know the place she said and leave us alone. I look at two single bed provide for us. I happily walk into the room. Can you sleep here i ask p mile again and he just caress my hair and start unpack his bag. I am so tired and lazy so he unpack my bag too.  I lazily playing with my phone he finish shower. Hurry,  we need to help the kids he said and push me to bathroom. I felt a bit weird but i let it go.

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