Part 4 - Scare

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What the heck. How could he yell at his helper. I was a bit scare so i sit beside his chair. I'm not hungry i need to go home. I just come to inform you nothing will be change after my 25th birthday. I will file for divorce. I calmly talk to him. We both are adult now. We can discuss this like a matured person. A lot of things make me a bit matured and patient. Looking at his attitude before there is no way i can win him with my tantrum. So i need to change my strategy. He look not affected with my scream and yelling.  But i honestly scare of him right now. Eat he said without any change of his face expression. I hate it so much. This is how he treat me when we are younger. He never talk to me. I am talking to you i said sound annoyed.  We will talk after dinner he said and start pilling my plate with my favorite food.  Then he silently having his dinner. One of his character that i hate the most too. He is too calm and annoying at the same time. I will never live with a person like this.  I have a happy wonderful life now. I have my good friend metawin and all artist in our company. Growing as a lone ranger make me love to be around them so much. We can do something stupid and just laugh loudly during our dinner. This silent atmosphere, make me remember my childhood memory which i hate so much.

We are now at his hall. He casually open his television. I patiently wait for him.
I dont think we need that, i finally start talking. We need to discuss about our relation. We need to stop this. I refuse to be in this relation i said firmly. He put the remote down and now focus on me. May i know why you refuse to be in this relation. He ask me calmly. There is no relation since begining i said hurrily. I felt guilty for your girlfriend. I already told you, you can be with her. I dont mind i said clearly. I know you dont even like me. I am sorry for my past behaviour. Can we stop this, i promise i will paid for the damage. Lets get divorce. Before he answer my question i turn my head to the news.

"A billionaire who are pure thai, living at london now back to thailand. Their come back make an economy expert excited about the changes they will bring to the country" my eyes focus on announcer and look at the video which all of his family walk to their limo leaving the airport. Daddy, i said when i look at my dad who are also with his family. I start feeling sad and miss him so much. He look old now.  Then i can see they stop in front of reporters. P mile stand in the centre and reply a few question. Khun Mile, i am sure everyone  really want to know this, if you dont mind may i ask a bit personal question a female reporter ask. He just nod his head. Are you single. We never heard you are in any relation before she bravely ask.  Its not appropriate question for a married person. He will be angry he casually said.  The reporter look at each other start bombing the question. Sorry khun, is it he one of the reporter ask to confirm.  Any problem he ask with stoic face that make the reporter startle. They start looking for the said person. He is not here he said. I will announce it later. Excuse us he said and start walking to his car.

He calmly sit in front of me. Are you crazy, i cant help but yelling at him.  He did not response to my scream and keep focus on the news. Which make me worried and focus back to the news.
Please dont tell me he announce our relation.

"Famous bilionair, khun mile announce his first project was to invest in small local tv stesyen, Gem which make the company become more stable. All the management was happy and glad the billionaire willing to support local production house"

I cant take it anymore and close the telivision. I believe all news are relate to his family. Their come back will make all investor and enteprenaur coming to thailand. They have the power to change thailand economy.

This is crazy, i need to leave now. I cant even say a word to him. I try hard to control my anger. Without looking at him, i walk to the door.
"If you leave now, you will get our wedding announcement tomorrow" he coldly said, which make me stop and turn to him.  Then you also need to announce my death i boldly reply and leave the mansion. I was shivering with anger and  fright. I cant believe this is happening.
I know with his power i cant do nothing.
I run to my car and leave the mansion. He must be worry of my threat. He let his security open the gate. I drive as fast as i could. I need to calm down and think really hard. Even though i manage to refuse his demand and win our first fight, i felt so scare and worried. I cant even share this with anyone. He become more bold and aggresive. Without blink he talk about our marriage which is not a normal relation. I know i cant run from him but i wont submit to him easily. I work hard to reach this level, i wont let him take it from me. This is something that i can say it was from my own sweat and tears. Become thailand no one heart throb within 5 years is not something easy to do. I wish all of this are nightmare.

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