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*Sam's POV*

I bang on the front door. "I'm coming, I'm coming," I hear Callie shout.

"She's okay," I say. However, she never comes to the door. "Callie," I call out. She doesn't respond, but I do hear banging on a nearby window. We round the corner to see her banging against her bedroom window. My eyes widen when I see her room engulfed in flames.

Her hands are on the window.

No... I am not losing her, too.

Smoke starts to fill her room, and I rush around to the front door, kicking it in. "Callie," I shout, running down the hall and toward her bedroom door. I step back, kicking it in. Smoke pours out of the room, and I hear her coughing, so I rush inside the room. I spot her kneeling on the floor. I run toward her, wrapping my arms around her small body, and picking her up with ease. "I got her!"

Dean and I run out of the house, as the rest of it bursts into flames. I lie her body down, checking her pulse. "She's still breathing," I say. "Callie, wake up," I shake her. She doesn't budge. I place my hands on her chest, fingers-laced, and I push against her chest.

After a little bit, she doesn't wake up. "Come on, Cal." I lean down, pinching her nose, and pressing my mouth over hers, breathing air into her. I do more chest-compressions.

*Callie's POV*

I wake up suddenly, coughing violently at the burning sensation in my chest. "Oh, thank God." I slowly look up to see Sam and Dean kneeled down beside me.

"What--What happened?"

"Jessica's gone," Sam admits.


"The same way Mom died," Dean nods.

"Oh my God," I gasp. "I... I was almost next."

"Yeah," Sam nods.

"You guys saved me," I say.

"Of course," Dean sighs.

"Sam," I start, looking up at him. "I'm so sorry..."

"Me too," he says. I quickly wrap my arms around his neck, hugging him.

"It's gonna be okay. We're gonna catch and kill this son of a bitch."

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