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*that night*

"Are you sure you're feeling better," Sam asks.

"Yes, Sam, for the thousandth time, I'm feeling fine," I assure him before Dean pushes the door open turning the E.V.P. meter on.

"Fine, just-- please stay close to me," he says as we walk down the hall.

"Getting readings," I ask.

"Yeah, big-time."

"This place is orbing like crazy," Sam says.

"There's probably multiple spirits out and about," I say. "And if these unrecovered bodies are causing the haunting?"

"We got to find them and burn them. Just be careful, though. The only thing that makes me more nervous than a pissed-off spirit is a pissed-off spirit of a psycho killer."

We continue to walk when I hear something pass behind us. I turn around, but I don't see anyone.

This place is even worse at night.

~ ~ ~

"Dean," Sam shouts. "Dean, shotgun!"

"Sam, get down," I shout. He ducks down, and I shoot the spirit in the head. It disappears, and I lower the gun. I take a deep breath, rushing toward him. "You okay?"

"Yeah, but that was weird."

"Yeah, you're telling me."

"No, Cal, I mean, it's weird that she didn't attack me."

"It looked pretty mad from where I was standing."

"She didn't hurt me. She didn't even try. If she didn't want to hurt me, then what did she want?"

"I don't know," I sigh when I hear a whimpering coming from a behind a knocked-over hospital bed. Sam turns the flashlight on, and we walk toward the bed. Sam leans forward and pulls it down to reveal a girl hiding behind it. "Hey, it's all right. We're not gonna hurt you," I assure her. "It's okay." She slowly stands up. "What's your name?"

"Katherine. Kat."

"Okay, I'm Callie. This is Sam and Dean. What are you doing here?"

"Um... my boyfriend, Gavin--"

"Is he here?"

"Somewhere. He thought it would be fun, try and see some ghosts. I thought it was all just... you know... pretend. I've seen things. I heard Gavin scream and--"

"All right, Kat, come on. Dean's gonna get you out of here. Then, we're gonna find your boyfriend."

"No, no. I'm not gonna leave without Gavin," She shakes her head. "I'm coming with you."

"It's no joke. It's dangerous," I say.

"That's why I've got to find him."

"All right, I guess we're gonna split up, then. Let's go," Dean sighs.

Sam and I split off from Dean and Kat, and I sigh. "Stupid teenagers," I mutter.

"Like you weren't a stupid teenager at some point," Sam says.

"I was a teenager, but I wasn't stupid. I knew what the hell was out there, and I didn't run around in abandoned asylums like an idiot," I defend. "Gavin," I shout.

"Gavin," Sam shouts.

We continue walking when I notice something pass by a doorway. "This way," I say. I walk toward the room and head inside when I see a boy lying on the floor. "Hey. Gavin," I say, shaking him. He suddenly wakes up, jumping at the sight of me. "Hey, it's okay. We're here to help."

"Who are you?"

"Callie, and this is Sam," I answer. "We found your girlfriend," I add, holding out my hand. He takes it, and I pull him to his feet.

"Kat? Is she all right?"

"She's worried about you. Are you okay?"

"I was running. I, uh, I think I fell," he admits, gasping at the pain in his head.

"You were running from what," Sam asks.

"There was-- There was this girl. Her-- her face... it was all messed up."

"Okay, listen, this girl-- did she try to hurt you," I question.

"What? No, she, uh..."

"She what?"

"She kissed me."

"Um, but she didn't hurt you physically?"

"Dude, she kissed me. I'm scarred for life," he says making me chuckle.

"Trust me, it could have been worse," I assure him. "Now, do you remember anything else?"

"She, uh... actually, she tried to whisper something in my ear."


"I don't know. I ran like hell."

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