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*the next day*

"All right. What are we doing here at 5:30 in the morning?" Dean questions.

"I realized something. The videotape shows the killer going in but not coming out," Sam says.

"So he came out the backdoor," Dean shrugs as Sam walks across the street.

"Right, so there should be a trail to follow-- a trail the police would never pursue."

"'Cause they think the killer never left. They caught your friend Zach inside," I nod.

"Still don't know what we're doing here at 5:30 in the morning," Dean mutters. I look over at Sam to see him looking closely at a pole. He looks over at us.

"Blood. Somebody came this way."

"Maybe the trail ends. I don't see anything over here," Dean suggests. I hear an ambulance siren making me look up from the ground. It speeds past us, and we exchange glances.

*at the scene*

"What happened," Dean questions a lady standing nearby.

"He tried to kill his wife. Tied her up and beat her."

"Really," I say. She nods.

"I used to see him going to work in the morning. He'd wave, say hello. He seemed like such a nice guy," she admits, as they police force him into the back of the cop car.

Sam and I walk around the back of the building, taking a look around. "Hey." We look over to see Dean walking toward us. "Remember when I said this wasn't our kind of problem?"


"Definitely our kind of problem."

"Well, what'd you find out," I ask.

"I talked to the patrolman who was first on the scene. He heard this guy Alex's story. Apparently, the dude was driving home from a business trip when his wife was attacked."

"He was two places at once," I say.

"Exactly. Then he sees himself in the house. Police think he's a nutjob."

"Two dark doubles attacked loved ones in the exact same way," Sam says.

"Could be the same thing doing it, too," I point out.

"Shapeshifter? Something that can make itself look like anyone?"

"Every culture in the world has a shapeshifter lore-- legends of creatures who can transform themselves into animals or other men," I nod.

"Skinwalkers. Werewolves."

"Two attacks within blocks of each other. I'm guessing we got a shapeshifter problem in the neighborhood. I knew it was something more," I say.

"Let me ask you guys this. In all this shapeshifter lore, can any of them fly," Sam asks.

"Not that I know of," Dean shakes his head.

"I picked up a trail here. Someone ran out of the back of this building, headed off this way."

"Just like your friend's house."

"Yeah. And just like at Zach's house, the trail suddenly ends. Whatever it is just disappeared."

"Well, there's another way to go. Down," I point out, looking at the grate in the ground.

Once we're underground, Sam speaks. "I bet this runs right by Zach's house, too."

"The shapeshifter could be using the sewer system to get around," I nod.

"I think you're right," Dean says making us walk over to him. "Look at this." We kneel down to see some skin on the ground.

"Ugh. Is this from his victims," I say, as Dean picks up some of the slime on his knife.

"You know, I just had a sick thought. When the shapeshifter changes shape, maybe it sheds," Dean says.

"That is sick," I nod.

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