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Suddenly, I hear a voice in the distance. "Help! Please! Somebody help me!" We all rush toward the voice, running through the woods. "Help!"

After a bit, we all freeze when we don't see anyone. "It seemed like it was coming from around here, didn't it," Hailey says. I back up, and I feel a hand grab mine. I look up to see Sam holding my hand.

"Everybody back to camp," Sam says.

We make it back to camp when we notice that their packs are gone. "Our packs!"

"So much for my GPS and my satellite phone," Roy says.

"What the hell's going on," Hailey groans.

"It's smart. It wants to cut us off, so we can't call for help," I say.

"You mean someone-- some nut job out there just stole all our gear," Roy says.

"I need to speak with you two... in private," I say to Sam and Dean.

We step away from the group, and I turn toward Dean. "Can I see the journal?" Dean pulls it out and hands it to me. I flip through the pages when I find the one I'm looking for. "Check that out," I say showing it to them.

"Oh, come on. Wendigos are in the Minnesota woods or northern Michigan. I've never even heard of one this far west," Dean says.

"Think about it, Dean-- The claws, the way it can mimic a human voice."

"Great," he sighs. "Well, then, this is useless," he adds, holding up his gun. I hand Dean the book, speaking.

"We need to get these people to safety."

I walk back to the camp, speaking. "All right, listen up. It's time to go. Things have gotten more complicated," I say.

"What," Hailey asks.

"Sweetheart, don't worry. Whatever's out there, I think I can handle it," Roy assures me.

"If you shoot this thing, you're just gonna make it mad. We have to leave now," Sam states.

"One, you're talking nonsense. Two, you're in no position to give anybody orders," he snaps.

"Relax," Dean says.

"We never should have let you come out here in the first place, all right? I'm trying to protect you," he defends.

"You protect me? I was hunting these woods when your mommy was still kissing you goodnight," he insults.

"Yeah? It's a damn-near-perfect hunter. It's smarter than you. And it's gonna hunt you down and eat you alive unless we get your stupid sorry ass out of here," Sam says. Roy laughs.

"You know you're crazy, right?"

"Yeah? You ever hunt-- a--" However, before he can say it, Dean steps in, pushing him back.

"Chill out," Dean says.

"Stop it. Everybody just stop it. Look, Tommy might still be alive. And I'm not leaving here without him."

Dean glances at Sam and I, before looking at her.

"It's getting late. This thing is a good hunter in the day, but an unbelievable hunter at night. We'll never beat it-- not in the dark. We need to settle in and protect ourselves."


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