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"Dean," Sam shouts as we walk through the dark halls. I try a door to my left, groaning. "Look," he says. I turn around to see a door that says:

Caution Biological Hazard

He reaches forward and opens the door. "Dean!" We slowly walk inside, taking a look around when his flashlight starts to flicker. He hits it against his hand a couple of times, trying the button.

"Sam, I think it's dead," I say when a door opens from behind us. I quickly raise the shotgun, walking toward the room. I spin around to make sure nothing is behind the door when I hear a bang. I spin back around, looking around.

"Dean," Sam questions. I notice a shadow walk by, making me point the shotgun at it. I walk toward a white curtain and quickly pull it back.

Suddenly, I hear Sam gasp. I turn around to see that a spirit has grabbed his face. "Don't be afraid. I'm going to make you all better."

"Sam," I shout. Before I can shoot it, something knocks the shotgun out of my hand and sends me flying backward. My back hits the wall, and I slide down it, groaning in pain. "Sam," I whisper before everything goes dark.

~ ~ ~

I hear a crash making me gasp, my eyes slowly opening. I look down at the person lying on the ground. "Dean," I question confused.

"Ellicott got to Sam. Something's wrong with him," Dean groans as I kneel down beside him. "We got to burn his bones." My eyes widen when I see Sam walking toward us.

"Sam," I say, backing away from him.

"You," he says, walking toward me. "How could I love something as pathetic as you," he questions as my back hits the wall.

"Sam, this isn't you," I say.

"Shut up," he shouts making me flinch at his tone. "This is me. I'm just finally telling the truth."


"Didn't I tell you to shut up," he snaps, grabbing my throat. "You know... you really are a freak, a monster even." I feel a tear roll down my cheek.

"If you're gonna kill me, then here," I say, pulling my gun out. "Just do it." He takes it from me, backing away and pointing the gun at me. "If you think I'm that much a monster, then just do it. Pull the trigger."

However, before he can, Dean knocks him in the back of the head. "You okay," he asks me. I nod silently. "Come on, we gotta find those bones."

~ ~ ~

"What did he mean when he called you a monster," Dean asks.

"Well, um... kind of like Sam, I have this strange ability, too," I admit.

"You get freaky visions?"

"No, it's something different," I shake my head as Dean pulls back a curtain.

"Well, what is it?"

"I don't know if you'd believe me if I told you."

"At this point, I would believe anything you told me."

"I, uh, I can heal people, including myself," I admit. Dean stops walking and looks at me in shock.

"For how long?"

"Since about before you guys showed up on my doorstep and told me about your dad missing," I answer. "Come on, we gotta keep looking," I sigh. I look around when I notice a strange cabinet. I walk toward it, opening it up. I groan when I see a skeleton on the inside. "That's just gross."

He sets his bag down and grabs the salt, throwing some on the body.

Suddenly, something throws me backward, and I groan. "Dean," I exclaim, jumping to my feet. I pull my lighter out of my pocket, rushing toward the cabinet. I throw it in, and the doctor lets Dean go. He quickly scoots back, and I kneel down beside him.

The doctor finally doubles over, dead.

I sigh in relief. "Dean! Callie!" I look up to see Sam run into the room. "Are you guys okay?"

"Yeah," I slowly nod. "Are you?"


"So, you're not gonna try and kill me again, right?"



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