43. Days Later

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"All right. I figured we'd hit Tucumcari by lunch, then head south, hit Bisbee by midnight," Dean says when he notices Sam focused on his phone. "Sam wears women's underwear."

"I'm listening. I'm just busy," he states.

"Busy doing what?"

"Reading emails."

"Emails from who," I ask.

"From my friends at Stanford."

"You're kidding. You still keep in touch with your college buddies," Dean says, after getting out of the car.

"Why not?"

"Well... what exactly do you tell them, you know, about where you been, what you been doing?"

"I tell them I'm on a road trip with my big brother and best friend. I tell them I need some time off after Jess," Sam replies.

"So you lie to them?"

"No. I just don't tell them everything," Sam defends.

"Yeah. That's called lying. I mean, hey, man, I get it. Telling them the truth is far worse."

"So what am I supposed to do, just cut everybody out of my life?"

"All right, on that note, I'll be back," I say, hopping out of the car.

"Where are you going," Dean questions.

"To the bathroom. Wanna stop and frisk me," I answer.

"I mean, I wouldn't mind it," Dean jokes. I roll my eyes, giving him the finger, before I walk toward the gas station and head inside.

I walk toward the bathroom, and I reach for the handle when the door swings open. I wait for someone to leave but no one does.

Well, that's strange.

I walk inside, and I turn to shut the door, but it shuts on its own. I pull back my hand, looking down at it.

Uh... what?

I walk toward the sink when the faucet turns on. I gasp, backing away from the sink.

What the hell is happening?!

The lights start to flicker around me, as my back hits the bathroom door.

I don't understand.

The toilet flushes, the faucet creaks on and off, and the lights continue to flicker. My breathing becomes uneven, and I quickly pull the bathroom door, rushing outside.

Everything returns to normal, and I take a deep breath.

Am I going crazy? Was that bathroom haunted?

I walk outside, practically shaking. "Took you long enough," Dean says.

"Wait, are you okay? You're shaking," Sam asks as I stare at the gas station in shock. "Callie?"

"Hmm? What," I ask, looking over at them.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine," I lie, nodding.

"Uh, well the plan's changed," Dean says.

"Where we going?"

"We're heading to St. Louis."

"What's there?"

"A friend of mine from college emailed me and told me that her brother was charged with murder," Sam answers.


"He's been arrested for killing his girlfriend. But she says he didn't do, but it sounds like the cops have a pretty good case."

"That doesn't sound like something up our alley," I point out.

"I know, but they're my friends."

"Fair enough. All right, let's go," I nod, hopping in the car.

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