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emersyn packed essentials in her backpack and left a note on the counter for her brother. she wasnt lying when she said she was gonna run away.

she wasnt gonna flee to mexico, of course not. she wasnt gonna pull a sarah cameron and john b. she just needed a break from everything and everyone.

it wasnt anyones fault, although it might seem like that to others when luke tells people, it wasnt anyones fault.

she wasnt gonna leave and never come back, she was gonna come back, just not that same day.

she grabbed the rest of her things and walked out the front door. her brother was asleep so he didnt hear or see her.

she got to the lobby and left, walking in specific directions.

when she was 15, she had found a specific place to hide and get away from everything. and thats where she was going now



emmyswift: i wasnt lying

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emmyswift: i wasnt lying


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luke woke up a couple hours later, he went on his phone for a bit and got up.

"EMERSYN" luke yells

no answer.

"EMMY?" he yells again, walking in his room

shes not there.

he walks to the kitchen where he sees 4 papers.

'hi luke, its emmy. i am not at home right now, and i wont be for a while, im gonna come back. please don't think this is your fault, please, i just need some time by myself away from everything and everyone. im okay, i promise. please dont be worried about me, just dont put too much pressure on me. i swear ill come back. please give the other 3 notes to nick, matt and chris. i would really appreciate it. dont contact me because i wont answer. i love you so much'

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