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✰┊❛LAST DAY❜┊✰

"im gonna miss you so much" emersyn wraps her arms around matts waist as they layed on the blanket on the grass

"me too" matt says, kissing her head softly

"do you think that three weeks are gonna pass by fast?" she asks, looking up at the stars

"if you dont think about it too much, maybe it will be fast" he shrugs

"do you think its unfair that we're hanging out without your brothers?, it is your guys' last day here and i wont see them for a long time either" she asks

"i asked them, they dont mind. plus, we have all been hanging out every day until today. we need our moment together" he looks at her

"youre acting like were gonna die tomorrow" she looks back at him

"who knows? maybe being apart from each other will make us jump off a bridge" he laughs

"dont say that matt!" she hits him "although its true"

matt had nothing but pure love in his eyes, so did emersyn. she loved being with him, and as much as it hurt that he was gonna be missing the release of an album she was really excited about, she was also really happy that the 3 boys' dreams were gonna be fulfilled, she knew hers were.

she didnt want to show her sadness, or else she thought the boys would change their mind about going to LA.

"are you excited?" emersyn asks

"kind of, are you?" matt asks her

"im not excited that youre leaving, im excited that youre finally gonna accomplish something you and your brothers have been working on for a long time" she answers "you know that if i hadnt met you guys i would have never even released 'difficult'"

"what? why?" he asks

"because, you guys were the ones who gave me the confidence to release it, plus, i had no one else other than luke and my therapist supporting me" she says, their eyes still locked together

"thats cute" he smiles

"and you helped me get over my moms death a little. although it happened two years ago, when i met you guys i was still grieving over my moms death" she says

"really?" matt asks

"yeah. i wish you couldve met her, she wouldve loved you" emersyn says

"emersyn dont get sappy" he chuckles

"im not getting sappy" she answers, looking back up "hey matt?"

"yes, emersyn?" he asks

"i think im ready to be your girlfriend" she says "you dont have to say anything right now, you can think about it of course, no ones pressuring yo-"

matt turns her face over to look at him and kisses her.

"is that a yes?" emersyn chuckles as they pull away

"yes" matt answers

"you dont want to thi-" she starts


"are you su-"


"are you gonna keep cutting me o-"

"yes" he smiles

"stop it, matt" she smiles, kissing him shortly

"oh my gosh" he says

"what?" she asks

"emersyn im leaving tomorrow" matt answers

"yes matt i know" emersyn chuckles

"and im not gonna be here for my girlfriends album release" he says

"i kind of got that" she says

"and i wont see you for three whole weeks" he says, a small frown on his face

"hey! no pouting until tomorrow, tomorrow we can cry all we want" emersyn says

"bu-" matt starts, "fine"


𝐈 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔, 𝐈𝐌 𝐒𝐎𝐑𝐑𝐘. 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨Where stories live. Discover now