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emersyn sat on her bed, her computer on her lap as the countdown decreased. the flowers matt had sent her on her nightstand. she was literally in her pajamas and had 3 star pimple patches on her face while her album was gonna come out

she couldnt talk to the triplets because they were busy, they had said sorry a million times and she said it was fine. but she found herself feeling sad and finding a tear fall down her cheek from time to time.

"hey emmy" her brother says, walking into the room with a cake in his hand and his girlfriend and kid behind him

"you guys didnt have to do that" emersyn says with a soft chuckle

"i just dont like seeing you depressed" luke says

"okay guys! five, four, three, two, one" vivian says

"will you blow out the candle emersyn?" luke asks

emersyn blows out the candle, closing her computer as the album, this is what is feels like, plays.

"dude why did you close it?" luke exclaims

"i just dont want to listen to it" she puts her laptop down on the bed

"bu-" vivian starts "oh"

"were gonna go out for a while, can you watch ivy?" luke asks

"yeah" emersyn carries ivy

"we'll be back" vivian says

enersyn lies ivory down on her bed and plays with her for a while until she fell asleep. emersyn kept staring into space, and whenever she got a notification she checked it eagerly, hoping it would be matt, or nick, or chris, but it wasnt. she felt like crying until her phone started ringing, facetime call from matt. she smiled and answered the phone

"hey" matt smiles

"hi" emersyn says

"did you get my flowers?" he asks her, walking around the house they were staying at

"yeah i have them right here" she grabs them from her nightstand, putting them in frame "i love them, thank you"

"youre welcome" he smiles "sorry we could call you when the album dropped"

"thats fine, matt, im fine" she says

"you look sad though" matt frowns slightly

"im just kind of sick, i have a cold" emersyn lies with a shrug

"i hope you feel better" he says

"yeah. uh, are you still taking a break from youtube or are you back in the videos?" she asks

"im back" matt smiles

"thats amazing, im proud of you" emersyn says, ivory waking up "oh, hey ivy, did i wake you up?"

"yes" the 3 year old girl says, sitting up and rubbing her eyes

"do you wanna say hi to matt?" emersyn asks

"hi matt!" ivory says happily

"hi!" matt smiles at the girl

"go play with winnie, ivy" emersyn says, ivory getting off the bed and playing with the dog on the floor "so uh, are your brothers there?"

"yes, just not in this room" matt says

"and madi?" emersyn asks

"im alone in this room, emmy. are you okay?" he asks her

"yeah im fine, im just a little sick, i told you" she lies

"you dont sound sick, emersyn, did something happen at school? are you mad at us for not being there or not being able to call you? or are you just mad at me in general?" he rants

"matt, im fi-" she starts

"dont. dont say youre fine because you arent. just be honest, are you mad at me? are you mad at my brothers? are you mad at all three of us? just tell me" he asks, emersyn stays quiet "no, emersyn, dont tell me you self ha-"

"i didnt self harm, matt! i just miss you guys okay? im going insane. i dont even have motivation to get up and go to school. and i dont tell you guys this stuff because i dont want to make you guys feel bad for leaving! im happy for you guys and i want you to know thst but at the same time im upset that you guys arent here, and i dont want to make you guys feel fucking guilty just because you left to grow your career" she rants

"oh" matt says quietly

"yeah, oh" emersyn answers

"sorry" he says

"its fine" she says

"well uh, i have to go" he tells her

"yeah, bye" she hangs up and looks over at her niece who was looking at her "you'll understand when you get a boyfriend"


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