Chapter 7-Camping Out With the Old Man.

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Philip, Aurora went back to the elserly man's home. Dawno brayed in excitement to see his new horse friends. Samson wasn't exactly ready for the warm welcome and got bucked off again falling into the river. Moonlight snorted and turnt her head away from Samson in disgust. Murvin ran up to him not carrying about his fancy upgrade and said, "The noise must have spooked him, donkeys don't know when they're extra startling. Here take my hand Philip." as he stepped into the river water and extends his hand to the Prince. Philip takes it and glared Samson down who hung his head down in sad shamefulmess.

"Samson, you know what this means, no carrots." He scolded his stallion. Moonlight huffed. Samson looked at his newly mated mare, and sighed. He understood that look and whinnied at her pitifully. She neighed back a sharp neigh.

"I think even Moonlight's a little annoyed with him." said Darrella.

"Are you okay, Philip, my dear?" inquired Aurora very concerned for her beloved Prince.

"Well, at least my hair and head's not wet." sighed Philip. "Water doesn't hurt anybody not river water anyways after. I'll dry out eventually, Aurora, love."

"Shall we return Darrella?" Philip asked.

"You can take Murvin with you, Dahlia and I are staying with this Grandpa to keep him company for awhile. I wanted an adventure this is one, Philip. We'll be fine we've had experience in woods like these beforehand, Aurora. So don't feel nervous about leaving us behind." Darrella reassured her, and her Princess's Royal Prince.

The Royal Couple rode off Murvin had mounted up behind Philip's back and held on tight. They rode back through the woods towards the city. And they disappeared into the light of the midafternoon sun that was shining lower in the sky by now.

"Hey, Grandpa let me bring in the bales of hay." Darrella insisted. "One maybe light as feather but five are heavy as a brick made of stone."  She rushed to the wooden wagon and started tying those hay bales together. And one by one all 100 were in the hayloft of the shed.

"These animals, this land and this poor gentleman have become invisible not just neglected. My bestie picks up a pail of water and carries to the parched thirsty field and gives the ground a much needed refreshing drink. " Darrella wrote in her journal as Dahlia did a separate helpful chore. "Real heroines have got their hands involved in the dirty work. This is what they are made of. A simple desire bent on helping those less lucky than themselves.

Meanwhile as the Royal Couple rode back with a new friend. A strange stream of flowers popped out of the grounds right besides the golden encased rocks. It emitted some very intense black smoke in the miners where the miners were stuck.

It was a variety of the Dahlia flower with striking pink tips and in alternations of purple on the petals as it curled backed to its central area

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It was a variety of the Dahlia flower with striking pink tips and in alternations of purple on the petals as it curled backed to its central area. Even the Mother saw it. A blossom was at her door she didn't see any one come in.

"Dark Magic Blossom of a Dahlia?" She gasped. Her eyes glowed and shook her. "Pull yourself together you cannot be afraid of a little flower bloom."

She picked it up and little did she know she was inhaling the black smoke emitting from them.

"Impressive." A young boy no older than about 8 years old. He had black shaggy hairstyle that cover some of his eyes. You could not see his face completely it was hazed out by the black smoke of the flower blossom.

"Impressive, you're a focused Mother looking out for your son, my own Mom would agree with your actions." He attached to her need to keep her family together. "If she weren't burnt at the stake."

"Adrian, is it you? The little boy in the courtyard?" She asked.

"It is." He answered. "Your son is betraying you at this very moment and I'd like to give Aurora's Father a lesson he will not soon forget, ma'am. I cannot do this alone. Maybe we can accomplish our requirements together?"

The lady knew what the Dark Magic blossom meant it meant betrayal.

"What do you have in mind?"

"Panic will settle in the families of the miners when they do not return home tonight and I sent flowers there. Those fathers are bound to be sick with the illness I planted in those flowers. Stefan will have a riot a public riot on his hands."

"Intriguing I'm in. And everyone will look to Aurora to solve this conundrum." She laughs. "I can use my pathetic son's betrayal to my advantage never cared for him anyways he was lazy."

Adrian rolled his eyes and huffed. "Reminds me of my step-brother. I really hate being a Royal. My Mom is coming. I gotta go! We'll talk later." as he had heard footsteps.

"Adrian, what in the world are you meddling with?"

"Just practicing remedies to cure illness, Mother, your Imperial Highness Tiffany."

"Adrian, ugh please don't be formal." She sighed. "It's mother to you, Slyvian and Tamara is this clear."

"But Mom, you're not his Mom." Slyvian argued.
"Shush, Slyvian my Prince did I say you could follow me down here?" She demanded.
"No." He mumbled.
"Then where are you supposed to be?"

"Library studying geography I'm going, Mother." Slyvian scurried upstairs. This was Empress Tiffany's little family. Her husband was dead. Slyvian came later and with a birth delay spell resulting in him losing his ability to walk on his legs confining him to a wheelchair all the time. Tiffany eventually later fell in love with her trustworthy general and they had Tamara. Adrian had parents before though they made him physically from a spell, but he truly thought of them as parents and they wanted a child so bad anyways. Tiffany rescued him at a young age before Stefan killed him after killing his parents and took him in as her son. Tiffany could not remove the anger out of him just as she couldn't do the same for her own biological son Prince Slyvian in time guilt and regret would turn into their teachers and when that time came the old nightmares would stop in their brains completely. All she could do was hope and wait for them to slowly be pruned by the rest of the world.

opalarkiddain Normaniforever4 Enjoy guys.

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