Chapter 8: Lady Grace

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"I heard splashing, I thought someone was here." Grace spoke. She looked a lot like Aurora and was the exact same age but had Jasmine blonde hair and blue eyes and fair white complexion in her skin

"My goodness, that's Prince Philip of Pondue!" She exclaimed. She ran up to him right straight into the water something she used to be afraid of as a young kid ironic for a girl whose troop was very nomadic but weren't gypsies you'd think she's be use to being in muck constantly but Aurora had pulled her from the stream as a kid back in the forest on the other side of town. She sniffs the air. It smelled like a mine and smelled like acid.

"Aqua Regia wasn't it?" She asked the mare. She revealed a pair of diamond handled shears and cut Moonlight's blindfold off.  Her father was a diamond-smith and they were returning to official camp after visiting him so she got a ton of diamond made things. Her uncle was the Apothecary in town that Philip had paid 30 pieces of silver to for the potion. Her people were mistaken for gypsies when they were true entertainers.  She set up a tent, and hammered it into the ground. Lay down a blanket and pillow. Fetched clean water for Moonlight to eat, and found a bushel of grass she had gathered earlier and gave it to Moonlight.

"Let me know if you sense danger, sweetheart, and we'll move further into the woods." Grace insisted. She washed Philip's hands, and feet after rolling up his pant legs which were badly scorched from the fire lit in front of him.

"Ow!" He groaned.

"Shush, young Prince you're safe." Grace responded. Philip looked over to see she was looking up to the stars through the hole of the tent around them. He noticed that there was a double edge sword between her and him. This was protection for her to protect from inappropriate behavior.  "I'm Miss Grace, Philip, you met my uncle. He's the Apothecary in town, you visited. Greencrest is my cousin's family's surnames. They're impeccable healers, but not every customer they gain is wanting to heal things."
The reason she put down such an imposing weapon between them was to protect her own fertility and to protect Philip's humanness as she washed and treated his hurt legs down from the knee to his ankles and heels.

"You got burnt up really bad, Prince Philip. What were you doing, and why use the Aqua Regia potion solution for something."

"My love Aurora's kingdom is in danger, it was attacked, the miners were imprisoned in a miner in a gold mineral casing barrier, Grace."

"Aurora, I don't know of any Aurora." said Grace. She had no idea that Rose was the Aurora she had actually met. "Not even a Princess named Aurora."

Philip couldn't believe this Grace had never heard of the Princess being the Princess of Neapolix. Fauna told him they all met her themselves.

Meanwhile as King Stefan and King Hubert entered the mines. One of the co Captains who wasn't under any spell saw Prince Philip's red hat on the ground admist the billowing grey smoke.

"Your Majesty's it's the Prince's plume hat. He was here he must have succeeded in the opening mines, and someone made him pay for it with his life." He assumed.

"Then where is my son's body if he's dead?" asked Hubert.

"He's not dead, on of Stefan's Captains is a traitor King Hubert said a miner boy. "I saw him burn up a pile of metal right next to Philip the Princess's horse Moonlight saved him. There are hoof-prints here. " It was 2:30 on March 28, 1317. Aurora stumbled up the stairs and Brigette caught and rung a rope attached to a bell to summon two of her maids.

"I feel nauseous." Aurora responded. "And really dizzy, I need to get to my bed, help me, please, Brigette sister to be."

"Lean on me, Aurora I'll help you." Brigette insisted. Brigette carried Aurora up to her tower. Two of the maids Brigette called for came to Aurora's tower with water for her head. Iris water for her to inhale. Aurora was collapsed on her bed, her eyes closed, her lips closed, and her arms lay across her chest. The only difference was that her dress was pink instead of blue as the fairies were not around to change it. Princess Brigette had to shift her body so that her sister in-laws head was supported on its pillows. The other maid went to fetch the Queen.

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