Chapter 23: Taking Care of Matters

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"What do you mean the Gold didn't work Captain Horrington."
"Prince Phillip apparently survived and succeeded in making the Aqua Regia potion and half the chemical airborne particles that cause side effects have already died off since he set it off."

"What about Princess Aurora, I need her to come out of that hidey hole tower of hers."
"She wouldn't dare because of her allergies to daffodils, Mistress Aves, her Dad couldn't get them to come out either." Captain Horrington.
"Well then I guess I'll have to reach out to my contact to teach me a switcheroo spell if she won't flee I'll make the maiden come to me by force. And since she's allergic to daffodils I already have something here that will give her no choice whatsoever." Aves laughs. "And neither you or your daughter are to mention anything about this go about your daily chores and keep blending in like a chameleon would."

"Who are you contacting?" asked Flora.
"It is none of your concern and he doesn't want to be revealed just yet either." responded Aves. She walked away from the caves.

"Young Adrian are you there?!"
"I told you not to reach out to me again you're a poor student excuse of a sorceress. You broke the contract. I said I would teach you spells only on the condition that you used the magic I have given you instead you went and used resources from the Good fairies and stole Merryweather's wand. I want no more to do with you. You're complete failure! I'll settle my issues in my own way on my own time without the drawbacks you've given me. You've flunked. Stolen magic has a hugely severe consequences on those who use it against its will. GOOD DAY! NEVER CONTACT ME EVER AGAIN!"

Meanwhile the sun arose in the sky on April 6th and Prince Phillip arrived at the Carvaan and announced himself to the family of Grace's there. Moonlight was feed at once, groomed, and sponged down with water. He was urged to take a bath with Trace offscreen while Grandma Tala prepared dinner for them all too according to Grace's instructions. They filled each other in on the gaps of Aurora's story that Grandma Tala did not know.
"Allergic to daffodils and they say her body reacts to the disappearance of the path of the sun. Waterlilies stay open 16 hrs a day and they collect lots of sun being original found in Africa continent." Trace informs. "There maybe many layers to this cure to the allergy problem. I might have half of what might be needed young Prince Phillip."
"You are interested in flowers?"
"Flowers that open at night 100% flowers during the day we're all too familiar with and sometimes for granted far too much but together they might be available to solve your Princesse's problem as is."

Meanwhile Grace made it to Murvin's family cabin Dahlia allowed her and Darella to share a tent for the night and spill the news she brought from Phillip and Aurora. Roycea had addressed by way of the cardinals.

Grace made no mention that she was heading further North to Maleficent's palace and she knew she'd reach it tomorrow at exactly noon. As a thank you gift she made the same meals Roycea was for all the children and the old man there here for the village. She left at dawn on April 7th, 1317 for The Forbidden Fortress as quickly as possible before questions could be asked. No trace was left behind except the dishes and the recipes of the meals she had made for the rest of the day.
"Curious, I wonder where she's going." Murvin muttered.
"She certainly looked to be on a determined mission." stated Darella.
"And secretive too not that that is any of our business we've got plenty of work to do here, my dear darlings." Dahlia added on immediately. "We need to keep on woking to keep the healing process going speedily, Darella, any luck on finding things that can neutralize that plant's grey mold."
"Not yet," Darella answered. "But I'm testing its reactions to other elements. I'll let you know when I find something of the utmost importance okay. This is a very tricky plant you know guys."

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