Chapter 11: "You Must Rest."

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"You need to rest Philip." Grace informed him. "If you rest and allow your body to do its incredible work you'll be cured from pulmonary edema within two weeks time. Just in time for your mare's baby foal to be growing. You won't be able to ride anywhere on her for awhile. Who is the Father of the eggs?"

"My stallion." Philip said. "He's back at the castle."

"I gave her an injection against herpesvirus, Philip it will strengthen her milk and help her foals survive it when they're born." Grace informed him.

"Some form of alien body is that right, Grace?"

"Yes, a crabby alien body intrusion."

"She'll be pregnant for 330 days, the children will be done growing in the womb at 13 days from now as it now Day 8 since her eggs were fertilized, my Prince."

"What horses will they be?" asked Philip.

"Most likely fillies. You're gonna raise two young mare sisters as twin foals right under their Mom's caring watch too, Philip. Stallions get big and are capable of crushing one of their siblings. Do you have names for the girls?"

"Buttercup and Bloom." answered Philip.

"Those are sweetheart names, Prince Philip. The Princess will love them!" exclaimed Grace blushing. Grace brought him black beans and roasted beetroot slices to eat later in the evening. These veggies have potassium it will help your nerves work out their kinks from the intruding disruption of that fire that threw your body into a mess, dear friend. Eat, please. I'm not hungry. In a year you'll be free of the ARDS condition if you stick to my assigned meals and rest a-lot, is that clear? Pulmonary edema is contagious and I mean your spitting and coughing if I wasn't wearing gloves I'd be ill already same thing if my skin wasn't cover with my long clothes."

This was why Grace could be around him even though he was infected Nitric Acid could seep from airborne molecules into the blood through the skin as well as being inhaled. So all Grace had to avoid was his foamy frothing mucus on the ground itself.

"Some nerves in your legs were killed when the Aqua Regia made contact with that fire part of the risk of Hydrochloric Acid burns left open cut skin. Ironically, like snake venom hydrochloric acid can harm us when it is outside our bodies, but your stomach acid is hydrochloric acid as it is the mucus that protects your stomach from damage."

"So it's either a one way street or a two way street dependent of the circumstances of the accident that cause the burning wounds, is that right, Grace?" inquired Philip. "That is correct isn't it, miss?"

"Yes, you got lucky this counts for 33% of deaths these chemical burns, Philip." Grace agreed with him immediately smiling.

Up above them the moon's face was becoming red crossing paths with earth's own humongous shadow.
Much like the path below in the picture shown.

In this picture, I'm going to say the partial lunar eclipse starts from right to left

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In this picture, I'm going to say the partial lunar eclipse starts from right to left. Mind you this picture was taken in Africa as that's African tree. Colorful people say it looks like the moon had been bitten into. The more appropriate sentence to describing a Partial lunar eclipse is when the Sun casts Earth's shadow onto the moon meaning the Sun is in front of the Earth. In a Total Lunar Eclipse the moon becomes fully red also called A Blood Moon. We're at the fifth moon stage picture from the right of the photo up above at the time of which it was 4:49 in the afternoon.

"I should be watching it with my Princess this eclipse." Philip responded.

"The universe likes to throw us confusing curveballs."

"It will be another two hours before this is over Philip, pal." Grace explained. She took out a sketch pad and began to draw the moon in its eclipse from the fifth stage on its fully tinted faded crimson full moon stage upon the pages.
Philip sat beside her and ate watching her work to capture every detail of the eclipse tonight. When I saw she drew onward through the eclipse from the fifth moon stage to final moon stage on the left of the photo display picture.

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