Chapter 25: Assemble The Wagons and All Available Pack Animals

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"We could use the donkeys and the wagons loads things up in between several layers of treated cloth and pack them into crates. Though I am not sure how to preserve those fruits though." Slyvian answered.
"Well, what you've suggested I will go ask your stepfather if he can prepare it and find willing guards to help escort it too."
"Lady Katrien, and Princess Linda Empress Tiffany requires an audience with you in the throneroom, and Slyvian she your Mother has a present for you." The herald or kingdom crier called out.

"Would you walk me back to the palace Slyvi?" asked Linda. The maids of his Mothers and the women garden tenders were so surprised at the gesture of the very foreign guest. Katrien nodded.
"She invited you, you may take her arm."
(That protocol is true rule for all woman to men interactions the woman or young lady must consent to walk or spend time getting to know a man. This is a golden rule through most of Eurasia, in case you didn't know that before now you do, Skylights.––Lumna-10) He took her arm and he walked with the Princess of Pondue back to the Imperial palace which  was a pearl pink building with roof shingles that seemed to mimic the edginess of the dragon Tiffany was friends with.
"I kind of get it now. I understand why you call this Rubesco city. The turrets about the throne room look like several pink dragon wings." Linda told Sylvian.
"You're not afraid of dragons? You don't think they're beastly monsters wrecking everything in their paths?"

"Absolutely not, those stories tell the perspective of a victor not a victimn." responded Linda.
"🎶In their eyes everyone who doesn't believe in their tales they see as black hearted. In their mind the only light that shines without error is the only one they see as white. Sometimes it's up to Nature to push to the edge of the grey space inbetween!🎶 Linda sang to him. "But the first step to walk the grey challenge must be one we take without any outside forceful push. It's not how believing works. To touch a stubborn heart you must act with so much patience. Many will say there's only black and white in every story! Yes, there's two sides to every story. But thank your old scribe because he lives and tells a third story that will move even readers reading now to change, and the best thing of all he knows everything he says is solid truth from both perspectives. It is such a blessing to have those things written in a book. So next time you see one being impartial thank them and follow their lead!
I am a Princess, and a foreigner yet even as I teach you endless are those whispers and gasps all around me and countless scowls of surprise for suppose they believe I act quite erratically out of my character required for my status and position.
The sunset may, can, and will set turning forest treetops red as blood.
I'll ignore every doubt they utter.
They can live there and we'll live our own.
If we mind our own business, leave a tiny bit more room for some good old tolerance I have no doubt we can all learn to coexist just like all our cousins dwelling in Mother Nature co exist. Predatory and prey never hold a grudge. The wolf greets the deer it will eat with a respectful sadden glance before it looks to the sky as if it knows its prey made the leap into the world that is coming where peace reigns forever after and joy and love you can never stop feeling for everybody. The ones who face their fears and pain to make a change of their lifestyle unmoved by others doubts to change the conscience of common sense they've been blessed to be gifted with. Often more than not they'll be more cool because they have survived through all the dirtiness of the humans of this world and all those scars and burns they've endured and the terrible grief that pushed on down at their shoulders trying to break their backs melts away when they think of all the loved ones they kept on pondering in their heart. Love is grey at all things. Love has not specific physical representation you cannot pin it onto one thing or the next. Love is a verb. The verb of the best action of all. So one must live love being a verb. So intangible, never takes a physical form. You feel it only when you embrace others then it is conveniently shared with it is an ember or embers spat out or leaping from a campfire, a homemade meal on cold nights cooked in a considerate manner. Love at the darkest hour picks no favourites. It has no judgement. It has no boundaries and is meant for all races that exist worldwide from the young to the old. It dwells in every heart and from there everyone's all part of this worldwide family and currently not every family gets along from within its circle nor will they always get along with everyone else's families outside of their own and that's okay. Cuz I understand their No ways to means Just Not Yet.
Cuz they ain't ready for the risks to come if we say we wanna be friends.
Those wide eyed stunned mules can take their time.
Cuz what I want to know, dear Imperial Prince will you let me your friend as your family is your friends too. Will you accept me as your first foreign royal friend?!

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