Chapter 7: The Mine Accident

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March 27, 1317 .

Philip arrived at the second inn at midnight exactly, and from them on he put Moonlight in the stables, instructed the workers to leave food for her to not touch her blinders the blindfold around her eyes, and to keep their kids far away from him as possible and he went upstairs. He did not eat any food, he ordered only thin milk and immediately went to bed and slept from dawn till 3:00 a.m rising early in the morning, he took the potion pouches  with him and rode off on Moonlight to the mines where the gold covered the entrances. He dismounted and began to adminster the solution potion to the encased entrance. The gold casing snaps open loudly.

He entered the mines himself which were filthy with toxic air. He kept his mouth closed and held his nose with his left hand only using his right to administer the Royal Water Potion.

"Flora, what are we going to do?" asked Merryweather. "We can't reason with Lady Aves and a lunar eclipse is upon us our magic will be next to nill!"

"Would you shut up in there, bossy fairies!" Aves hollered. "This is perfectly fun to watch, anyways."

"I'm not bossy."

"She's got a point about that, Flora, you are kind of bossy, sister." Merryweather admits. "You won't get away with this dear lady!"

"Oh, I think I will. Maleficient got away with her stuff why shouldn't I be able to get away with my own evil schemes! I can be so much worse than her! Just wait and see, little pests!"

"Dream on if you dare, your wish will be squashed." Flora agrees with Merryweather for just this once only.

"You can't do anything with your wands even if you wanted too, Godmothers of Aurora. Their magic is weak on the eve of a day of a lunar eclipse, sweethearts." Aves laughed. "That's why I did not take them from you when I caught you both. What's Fauna deal anyways? My puppet's magic didn't work on her and you're going to tell me why? Or I'll place that curse upon the kingdom on your sister, who will break first?" She was much taller than the fairies and very anger her skin was red. She knocked a bed pan over with roasty toasty coals inside.

"I'll never tell you!" Merryweather adds.

"Pathetic answer cornflower!" Aves bellowed. Her magic was nature just like Fauna's and unaware to her a rule set by Golddia nature could not harm nature, the minerals could be manipulated to a good or evil person's will but nature itself could never hurt itself. That's why the gold spell worked and her getting to Fauna didn't work. Golden vines grew up the cave wall and latched onto Mertyweather's chubby waist and began to squeeze.

"Tell me what I want to know or watch your sister explode! This is more about you, Flora, than it is about Aurora or Merryweather or Fauna, but I can't have her getting in my way again like that!" Aves threatened.

"Fauna's protected by her natural magic it protects her because she uses it so often and practices it more than we practice ours so it is stronger and more likely to protect her." Flora answered sadly.

"Flora!" Merryweather said disgusted.

"I had no choice your safety means more to me, sister."

"How annoyingly cute!" Aves groans immediately. "We're not finished yet! So just enjoy hanging around, insects!" She remade a vine chain and hedge with gold about it. "I said I would spare your sister here my torture didn't say anything about releasing you, Miss Flora with her. For your rudeness you'll stay my prisoners right now. Thirsty aren't we? I don't give any quarter like you gave me no quarter Flora."

"Enough about me being rude and bossy, why keep us here when we have nothing to give you?"

"Now that's not true is it?" Aves inquired. "What better way to make the fairy I hate most watch her adopted Princess of a daughter suffer when her boy gets pulled away from her thanks to a tragic mine accident. Light the torched metal, my minion! Philip will be infected just as much as the rest of Stefan's subjects, too."

Moonlight reared sensing the danger from within the mines that Philip was in pushed back passed all the workers. The smoke billowed out a fire blew up and the acidic potion was inhaled by Philip Moonlight lifted his limp body unto her back and headed to the river in the woods. She woke him up by dumping him in the water. Philip's eyes fluttered open his horizons barely visible, and he coughed getting the water out of him. Who bombed the mine? That wasn't part of the plan?

"You will stay in the castle grounds, Princess Aurora, is that clear, daughter? A blown up mine is not place for a 16 years old Princess of Neapolix, child." Aurora sits back down and groans. "Crystal clear, Father." to Stefan. When he left with King Hubert she threw her itchy shoes across the room revealed to feel carpet soft like feathery grass against her feet right now.
"I hate him! I hate him, Mother! Why does he have to be so stern and demanding?" She asked. "He never lets me learn about anything that's not generalized Princessy education. Real Princesses learn by doing, right, Queen Leah?"

"Yes, that's true, Princess Aurora, daughter but you have allergies and all the smoke from the accident would make it much worse, child." Leah says comforting her and wrapping her bundle of joy in a hug immediately. "I'm sure Philip was not amongst the miners, my dear. I believe it to be true."

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