Chapter 9-The Princess Returns

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Aurora arrived in front of the palace, she dismounted, led Moonlight to the paddock and untacked her there, then she carried her things into the wooden tack room and put them on the shelf with her name. Then she filled a wooden bucket with water and carried to the horse trough and filled it with that water. Then she went back took an apple and a bag of oat hay mix and put it on the fence for Moonlight and gave her the apple out of her hand. Moonlight graciously ate it easily from her Princess's flat extended hand to her then she turnt to her bag of feed Aurora gathered for her and Aurora picked up her skirt of her pink gown and rushed into the castle grounds entering into the throne room.

"Aurora, Princess, at least you're okay, filthy is your hair but you're not harmed not even a scratch from a thorn bush." Leah said relieved. "You might want to think about your civilians canceling the ball might be best."

"No, Mom, this ball will be hope a distraction from their troubles and despairs, the people of the Kingdom need it, ma'am. I promised this. And I best keep my promise, the ball shall be thrown tonight. I'm here to get things ready. And I will figure out who has attacked our people very soon, Mother dearest."

"We have lots of work to do people!" Aurora called everyone to attention as she clapped her hands.

Meanwhile Mistress Aves had found the perfect boy to be her unsuspected minion.

"My darling nephew aren't you tired in living in a place that's practically of mud, Brando?" She asked.

"Auntie Aves, why have you come?"

She held up something special to him.

"Hey, give that back to me that belongs to Dad. It's the only thing I have left of the only one who ever loved me."

"I will as long as you do what I say till I release you from my service." She whispered.

"You're not magical, Auntie you can't put me in a trance."

"Wrong. A young boy wizard cast a spell over me and granted the ability to be able to do witch magic on my own no need for help, silly forest boy, now forget what you heard and catch up with your cousin and Prince Philip make sure Murvin stays close to Aurora and her husband tonight, is that clear?" She asked her eyes made his glow eerie it was enchanted with a hypnosis spell that key was a memento from his past swung back and forth in front of his face persuaded him into agreeing to her dark plans towards Neapolix and dark terms as well.

"Yes, Auntie Aves, I will do my best to obey as you command me to do so." He answered the voice was dulled, worn out, and exhausted. That was how you could tell Brando had been brainwashed.

Meanwhile Aurora walked into the kitchen, and listened to the explained arrangement of the banquet table. Fish plates were served on one table and that consisted of herring, salmon, tuna and even the occasional pike dish plates too. Several pyramids of plates showcased French fruit again alone on one table. These fruit platters consisted of European Woodland Strawberries, figs and yellow Mirabelle plums, then there was a block of goat cheese dedicated to a platter itself. Then the dessert table held buttery fluffy poofy croissants on one plate. Another plate was dedicated to red and blue macaroons that did not currently exist outside of any Royal confectioners and unfortunately they would soon move out of town and become  oublieurs aka forgotten eventually. And lastly the ladt two dessert plates on the table were Neapolix Brioche Pastry Bread, and Carmel Creme Brulee Custards.

Aurora finished writing invitations to her civilians.

"Herald delivered the invitations to our villagers, to keep it easy to handle two people from every family unit of the house is to come to the ball tonight."

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