Chapter 15; Not A Bad Prince

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March 30, 1317 Another day, Dahlia met one of Aurora's friends of the Forest, Tawny's daughter, Fern. Tawny had shown his daughter the whereabouts of Leon Towers. On her way there she noticed the young village girl in Rubesco Empire clothing.

Dear Princesse Aurora,
I don't mean to make anyone mistake me thinking that your oldest cousin Prince Sylvian is a bad Prince, I absolutely don't think that way. He does have loads of grief from his godmothers. They were not like yours: kind and sweethearts in their very souls. Yours actually cared, were gentle and slow with you. But he has grief with his family too. He specifically gave up on hope for mankind. I believe he can become a very good Imperial Prince and Emperor later on as he matures. My Mom struggled with my birth as did his Mom. His step-Father helped them pull and live. Tiffany told my Father so someone knew and when the time was right the world of the realm of the Dahlian throne must be reminded of the true suffering Tiffany went through to keep it afloat. There is one amazing godmother who loves Slyvi, his step-sister, Princess Tamara, she's my best friend within that palace, and his step-brother, Adrian through adoption. I'm so sorry we couldn't come together on the night of the eclipse, Rora.
Hope these letters help you pass the time we've healed some of the miners' kids already that Philip set free, and told them it was your idea to keep sending us villagers to cure. Slyvian was quite responsible when I got to know him, Princess Aurora. I have realized that through his difficult birth something in the brain that might have given him Asperger's Syndrome where the child is very active, but unable to read social cues and come off insensitive and mean these days. Our school had no status quo in the Rubesco Empire, it had no mean girls, and most of the rich noble girls aside from Tamara were meaner verbally by teasing him a lot about me, Tamara and Adrian. I didn't let them get to me. They never got to doing much physically aside from rudely brushing past me and Tamara once. The teachers would be angry at anything else, Rora.

I do not mean to judge Sylvian as brutally as any of previous fellow citizens have there. Judging is an awful mistake. I hope you know and that the readers have not misunderstood me. It's just the burden I have as scribe to both realms is that I'm not allowed to be emotional. That is pathetic, don't you think? I write, because I am emotionally imbalanced and I do care what people think. I told him about you the minute I found out about you. He wants to meet you so bad, Rora. He hopes you could receive him well as his cousin and that kingdoms might be joined through his friendship to you his beloved cousin. I think a good start is being willing to let him try out as the Ambassador between realms.
I hope this letter and knowledge gives hopes you relax in these difficult days.
Love your friend, Dahlia.

Aurora's palace pet Fern delivered the letter to her through the palace tower window. Aurora opened the envelope, and her heart leaped for joy at Dahlia's information a deep burning passion told her she wanted to know her cousin better and better and Dahlia was the way to do that currently. Just in time too, the owl stayed all day as rain bucketed down steeply outside. Aurora jumped she had never heard such a loud storm before. Leah hugged her and whispered. "Don't worry we're here child too, you're not alone this time anymore, Rora."
"The clouds roars in your name, Rora Roar is in your name scrambled up Aurora." Brigette jokes, and it makes Aurora laugh with her real Mom for the first time.
"Oh, that's so awful!" exclaimed Brigette looking at the letter it went into more detail about the trauma Sylvian went through as a kid from being born, to trying to grasp being as normal as other kids in his school when he was allowed to meet others. It held a particular story where Dahlia actually helped him learn to swim by teaching him. Slow and steady she was after she knew he learnt to row. She joined him in the rowboat and they went aboard a real Rubesco Roman-ship built for battle. As she knew he adored Roman history from Sanzi.
"Roman soldiers on the water must learn to swim to survive Sylvian but first we have to get your legs back and working." Dahlia spoke to him.
"That's possible?" asked Sylvian shocked. She had been a kind civilian angel in his life of childhood.
"It is in every day miracles are worked and are so successful not even fairies believe they were possible, but I may not love you, but I do believe you'll succeed in time and surprise everyone, Slyvian. I have some of your best boyfriends from our Roman history class help me with this. Fresh air and interacting with blessed Mother Nature always helps me. She can help you if you let me show you how."

"I'd do anything for you my favorite classmate." Sylvian cooed. He called me that often over and over again, Rora. I wish you could have seen that face of his distress and despair. I know how all Tiffany's children feel awkward because my Mom I lost when I was born there was not doctor free to heal her. I guess I was still mourning when Sylvian tried to become my lover. I've never quite gotten over it still. I'm sorry anyone thought I was cold to him, but that's the Farthest from the truth. I could never be could even when I wanted to because every time I feel that possible I hear my Mother's voice from deep in my heart. "Don't put your pain onto others, don't make them feel your needs are more superior than theirs, and don't ruin my legacy by being cold to your fellow students sweetheart."

Aurora was crying with Brigette the letter had watermarks all over it it was clear Dahlia had been crying as she wrote it too.
"The rain will break, but rain is good to us it will dilute the cursed magic, Aurora, my daughter." Leah, her birth mom reassured her of the positivity of the rain coming.

(Hope this helps you understand Dahlia's reasoning she was still in grief herself and no matter how hard she helps it was never quenched for her.)

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