Chapter 3: Désolé, je suis parlé pour votre, Altesse

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April 20th, 1309 Lady Dahlia Clarice Caduta's Dies Natalis aka her 6th birthday. VI was six in the Roman numerals in Roman math everything was done by numerals on their specific chart it was much more challenging than the math we do today. It was a Saturday the day she came into the Rubesco palace. It was their 6th day of the week for all European countries the week's very first day is Monday not Sunday. The subjects were Reading, Writing, Arithmetics (General Math but with Roman numerals up to division) and Orientation public speakers were a big deal in the Rubesco Empire.

Empress Tiffany brought a flour cake baked lavened yeast, and had nuts sprinkled through it and honey drizzed across the top, "Felix Natalis, Dahlia Caduta." That was the way to say Happy Birthday in Latin. In the center was a dahlia blossom mimicking the ones on the wall behind the fountain in mm my   the courtyard. In its center of the bloom had been marked her age with VI instead of our traditional numbers. Here in Rubesco Empire a child became an adult at age 12 legally meaning they had the right to marry and divorce as they pleased. But in the case of a divorce seven witnesses have to be around the person who declared the divorce necessary. (This was all researched thoroughly)
That's what happened with Empress Tiffany she had seven witness stand before her and help dismiss her previous husband one of those people had been Dahlia's Father, two Fairies, and four other senators too. One of those Fairies was Fauna on a direct commission to attend by request of said love interests expressions. I don't think I have to tell you who made her go by begging her. Writing was such a neccessary subject in school for everyone in part of a important meeting would sign their name on the witness form of said event, and even the very poorest of us all would sign them in the work they did from stones to pipes to merchant objects signatures were carved right into them. So carving lessons were intertwined with our writing lessons to learn how to work with a carve knife on all other projects of our own that didn't deal with parchment and a quill plus its ink pot. Carving was one of the cool activities I chose for my ceremony I knew I need it more or less. Sunday was referred to back then by all Farmers as Market Day Farmers today still treat it that way in many many countries across the globe. Dahlia was in a white robe like tunic and wore a golden wheat dyed woolen belt on her birthday day. The tunic of a lady reached down to her ankles. Music, and art in general were some of my favorite pasttimes as a young girl but I was only able to participate in such things on school days Monday through Friday. Saturday was a permanent day of rest for everyone here in the Rubesco Empire. So I signed candles to give out to the needy. Yes, we birthday people give while also receiving onto ourselves. The smell of incense burning filled my heart with joy. I knew my Father would be one of my Professors at school. I had very few friends to invite besides my family, sons and daughters of other officers under the military commands of General Aeson Jr. and other Senatory children.

Classes did not necessarily take place in a grande structure general classes of education took in a one room building, and lasted till lunch hour break. And one certain days if you had permission and need to learn by visual learning you'd visit a professional's workshop. So a professional carver was invited to my birthday party to make me exceptional at carving my name into things in school projects. Those project presentations all take place on Sunday evening. Sunday afternoon would be my official introduction into the learners' circle.

(Our Math used six Roman letters to represent numbers: I, V, X, L, C & M. Imagine those problems you'd have today, Skylights).............................................................

"Can you teach me Roman Numeral math, Dahlia?" Aurora had asked her before she left to meet Darrella and go see the old man.

"That's so cool." Darrella said. They arrived at the elderly man's home and Murvin greeted the girls at the door they walked in.

"I got the Princess's message saying she needed a place to host some young people where they can have go access to fresh air." Their Grandpa said. "Why do you need such things?"

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