Chapter 2: The Mystery Princess Maria

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Aurora had swept the floors in the house in the alternate reality, picked all the berries, and now she sat at the counter perplexed by the sewing book in her front of her with a thin lonely sewing needle and blue green fabric. There was a delicate dainty knock that woke her from her zoning out at the table resting her head on her hand. It was just like her own polite knock she gave to her Fairy Godmothers when returning from the Forest. Aurora sat up, pushed the chair
up. Of all the things she had read since becoming acquainted with Palace life was the fairytale of The Real Princess and how that young lady's actions spoke louder than even though her words and demeanor had always been truthful since she entered another's palace to stay in the midst of a storm. Aurora got up out of her chair. She walked to the front door. She answered it. Miss Aves was nowhere in sight.
"Good afternoon, your Highness," greeted a royal looking girl in a dark magenta purple regal gown.
"Who are you? I thought I was the only Princess here?!"
"I'm Princess Maria, Princess Aurora, and I come to help you end this illusion. I came as quickly as I could. You're my ticket out. If we work together this world will crash to pieces. Say I can stay, I'll teach you how to cook and help you practice sewing. I've done it my entire life. And I have a solution to bringing back safe spinning wheels."
"How do you know my name?!" gasped Aurora she had barely had to say a word and besides Phillip's sisters she had hardly met any really nice Princesses yet. "And how are you good at sewing? And what do you mean you've been doing it your whole life?!" Aurora stammers. Princess Maria had dust clouded blonde hair and sky blue eyes, a throbbing trustworthy warmth glowed about in a world to Aurora that was mostly dark and dreary. She guessed this vibrance had to be Maria's inner light shining from within.
"I'm telepathetic, as well as a knowledgable avid reader, and fashion is my essential hobby my kingdom was extremely poor and off the map until I began to sew my people's clothes. The dress you're wearing right now. I sewed it and it caught your Mother's eyes and said she wanted it for her girl who would return at 16 years old to wear within the next couple months. And I think she was right that crimson glory red really brings out your electric violet purple eyes."
Aurora blushed.
"You modeled it after the one my true Fairy Godmothers gave me upon the time of leaving the forest!" exclaimed Aurora.
"It was popular in my kingdom." said Princess Maria. "I'll tell you a secret when you grant your friends a desire in this world like a present that means a lot to them it will erase the powers of this world little by little, sister."
Aurora was fully aware this was a nickname a pet name from Princess Maria.
Rest assured that she could get out of this, Aurora opened the door wide and said, "Come on in, my lady, my Princess Maria. What is your story?!"
Princess Maria joined her in the cottage. And started Aurora on the green dress sitting in front of them.
"I grew up in a small, realm where buildings were in despair and people lingered in poverty, Aurora. All because my parents, both of them refused to work, and refused to let me think I wanted to work but I wanted to work anyway. More than anything I wanted nothing more than just to sew my own birthday dress instead of having the seamstresses always do the difficult work. So while my parents were busy being idle I got dressed in a green dress and covered my head with a red hood and cloak so no one would recognize me. It was my first look at the town ever and I was disgusted at the state of what my people were living with, Princess Aurora."
Aurora as she was sewing noticed how sincere, and how slow and steady Maria was with her words as she told the story as she finished the first sleeve of a dress.
"And so I rode my house to a stream in the woods, went through a hedge of briars after dismounting and came out looking no more like I was born of Royal blood then rode back to the cloth market stand.
"Ma'am, may I see that cloth please?" I asked the Lady selling it.
"Ha!" She responded. "As if you can afford it!"
I expected that given the way I looked to her. I bought it and brought three bags of cloth home and trip on my way in front of my parents. I got back up easily enough and announced to my Mother saying. "Mother, this is going to be a really special birthday."
And I sewed for the children of my realm. The next day when I came down for my lavish breakfast the table was filled with thank you letters from the patterns of the children I sent dresses out to as my parents told me and commented yet again. "That's funny! As if our Princess would want to actually work."
And they giggled and here Maria rolls her eyes thinking about that little moment of her past. She liked working even as she told the story of her past she was guiding Aurora's hands along the fabric and Aurora felt such warmth, honesty and genuinely she hadn't felt since touching Phillip's hand and hearing his since voice of saying since their dance in the forest.  Aurora said nothing and Maria kept on talking. "Oh, and when we get back if you ever wanna visit, or need a longer honeymoon or farther away vacation spot my realm Delamode Domaineis in the far south of France, you're always welcome there. And so with that my fame spread to other kingdoms eventually catching the eye of an infamous renowned Princess who was actually a witch unbeknownst to anyone, Aurora. She got envious of my taste in design and fashion and that was Princess Kerry. She had a plot. She snuck her animal assistant into the room where my assistant villager helpers were helping me make good and great dresses out of good cloth with no magic required, by the animal assistant dripped a potion on the clothes and by 12 during the ball all the gorgeous on the ballgowns were washed out. Princess Kerry tried to blame it on me who knew everything I did didn't include magic, but a brave and bold and determined Prince named William came to my rescue and with a gemstone he revealed Kerry's assistant we all thought was human was just a crow and all the 97 Princesses there besides me attending took her down. For her humiliation when I went to talk to her to try to get her to change she cursed me to disappear from my realm and nobody remembers I am gone and she said I'd find the door back if only I helped something or someone over-oppressed completely their tasks before the final full moon of the year in the real world. Hence, I came here to you, Aurora at once. Will you let me help you finish all you need to do here?"
"I'm honoured to have the Princess of Fashion at my side, Princess Maria, you may stay and help too." Aurora agreed. And before time knew it four spectacular dresses were sewn by the two of them. Soup and tea was prepared to perfection with teacakes and scones filled with cheese also to perfection. Maria saw the Apricot rose dancing in the vase and realized it was covered with magic.
"I think this flower wants you to wear it, Aurora, it look lovely in your old gold hair."
"I think you're right." said Aurora she put the orange blossom in her hair.
"Wow! I can see through the illusions, could you always do that too?"
"Yes, I could this whole place tastes like sandy air to me, Aurora." Maria responds.
"Oh, I do agree with that statement, Maria."
Aurora responds back immediately. Maria smiled. She was grateful here to have company for a while and feel less lonely.

I probably won't be going back to update this book until the Christmas Season has literally passed several weeks by. I will work on getting my Problems of Negativix book finished in time for New Years. Updating A Wish to Choose Evie's Lion King Descendants crossover and Princess Cynthia will try to get the latter two up to at least Chapter 40 before New Year's.

Princess Maria's look below

She is bowing to her Prince Charming who came to her rescue in the story she told us

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She is bowing to her Prince Charming who came to her rescue in the story she told us. The story she told us is a summary of the one in the video below my Skylights.

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