Part 6- Never Gonna Ruin My Life

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Drug use but I know y'all like that shit

Savannah's POV

I woke up to the annoying sound of an alarm ringing way too early in the morning. I turned over to find Kirk lying next to me. I nuzzled his neck and gently kissed him. He wrapped his hands around my waist, pulling me closer.

"Good night, sweetheart," He said, his voice husky as he threw the blanket over our head, his eyes shut tight.

"Good night to you," I laughed, "I got things to do."

"Can't we just stay like this the whole day?" He asked dreamily, laying his head on my chest as I ran my fingers through his hair.

"Nuh-uh, you must be mad." He rolled off me and I jumped to my feet, pulling my pants on, "It's already eleven."

"Exactly. It's still early." He groaned, covering his face with the pillow, a smile creeping across my face.

"You can sleep. I got a hungover baby I need to take care of." I said, kissing him on the cheek before going into the bathroom.

I stepped into the shower, the warm water pouring over me. My mind started to wander last night, was it going to go somewhere with Kirk? Don't judge me but the closest thing I've had to a boyfriend was Duncan.

I couldn't stop thinking about him, his hands on my body, the way he made me laugh. I couldn't stop replaying the moments we had shared.

But I also couldn't stop wondering what he really wanted from me. Was I just a fling to him, or did he want something more?

I wasn't sure, and the uncertainty was eating away at me. I knew I had feelings for him, but I didn't know if he felt the same way. I didn't know if I could handle a relationship myself.

I changed into black ripped jeans and a Hendrix t-shirt and walked into the lounge to find everyone still asleep. I popped what I think were 6 painkillers to help with the migraine and rummaged through the fridge for food. All I managed to find was beer and what looked like stale pizza.

Somehow, I was surprised. I didn't know what to expect, but Kirk seemed opposite than most guys. He was the Angel among the heathens, and in a way, I expected him to have a much more organized kitchen.

Looks like there's another thing on the list of how I'd repay Kirk.

He did so much for me- letting me into his house after knowing him for a few hours, and then asking me to not leave.

And his kiss, oh god, his lips. It was like kissing cotton candy, soft and sweet. I could feel the electricity of that moment, the way our bodies had fit together perfectly.

The way his lips had felt against mine, soft and warm. The way my heart had fluttered in my chest. It was a kiss that I would never forget, and it left me with a mixture of joy and longing.

Joy for what we had shared, and longing for more. But I knew that I couldn't allow myself to get swept up in those feelings. I had to be strong, for my own sake and for his.

I was too broken to be loved, I couldn't let him get dirty with the stains on my heart.

I gave up and decided to go out to buy something. At least restock the empty cabinets, and boy did he need more painkillers. After living with us, we'd be having hangovers every night for sure.

I took the opportunity to explore the city at my leisure. Guys with long hair and leather jackets, and girls with teased-up hair and bright make-up. Strip clubs were on every corner and bars littered the streets. It looked like the complete opposite of home. South Africa seemed obsolete compared to this.

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