Part 15- Rock and Roll Part I & II

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Keeping us together and pulling us apart
Is the love, that we talk about
Making us kill
Making us die

Kirk's POV

"Kirk!" Lars shouted, "Get in!"

I gave Savannah one last kiss goodbye before I bolted into the car.

My last night before I get married.

I never thought I'd be here in the first place. I always envisioned my marriage when I was in my 30s, with the band headlining every country in the world.

Instead, we were amateurs in our 20s, getting married for god knows what Visa's Savannah needed. I myself didn't understand what the hell what it was about, politics wasn't my strong suit.

"So where are we going?" I asked Lars.

He smirked at me for less than a second before reverting his attention back to the roads, "To the hottest club in town, man."

I felt my gut twist in my stomach, "Strip club?"

He nodded his heads, his curls bouncing with him, "Yeah man. Trust me, you're gonna love it."

"Uhh, Lars?" I held up my hand for him to see my engagement ring, "Incase you didn't know- I'm getting married."

He groaned, "Kirk, you're such a wuss man. You're 26 and giving up strippers for the rest of your life, at least have fun for the last time."

"He ain't giving up strippers." James interjected.

I raises my brows, "Huh?"

"He got Savannah at home."

Everyone burst out in laughter, poking at me until my cheeks turned pink.

He wasn't far off, we did have that type of fun from time to time, but I didn't think for a second that I'd end up on this end.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes, looking out the window, trying to disguise my smile.

We finally pulled up to a club on the boulevard. Flashy lights. Loud music. And, of course, women.

It felt like years since we been here- or well, year- but the feelings were still justified.

"Look at the babes." Lars said excitedly, pulling us into a table right up front.

From leather to satin to lace, they had it all, Lars knew his way around, that was for sure. Yet, something wasn't clicking. The spark in my dick wasn't there, which was clearly putting me off.

So much that Cliff intervened, "Relax, man. Savannah was cool with it."

My head spun around and rolled off onto the table, "What?"

Savannah? Being okay with this? I smelt a fucking liar, and the last person I expected it to be was Cliff.

"You're fuckin' with me man." I said, brushing his hand off my shoulder and pulling my chair back, "I'm vaa- I mean leaving."

Looks like Savannah's slang was catching on to me.

I stood up, turning around but instead of heading to the exit, I felt a pair of hands around my chest and something soft pressed up against my back.

I could hear Lars whooping in the background but I chose to ignore that.

"Going so soon?" A sultry voice whispered.

I could hear a familiar hint in her voice, but I brushed it off as the guys dragging me here often.

"Yes," I said, shrugging her off, "I have a girlfriend."

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