Part 25- Walk In The Rain

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TW// Illegal amounts of ✨fluff✨  and uhm giving birth...? IDK but if you're uncomfortable skip over that section. 

Savannahs POV

When I was young and dumb, Ok let me rephrase that. When I was younger and dumber, I always thought pregnancy would be nicer. Imagine no stomach cramps, not bleeding out of your vagina for nine months, it sounded like a dream to me. Again I was younger and dumber because I'll do anything to make my uterus abuse me again.

Wondering why I'm saying this? Well, let me prop out my list.

For 9 months I had to deal with stomach cramps, nausea, headaches, highly questionable food cravings, and worst of all. While I'm slumped next to the toilet, Kirk is touring the world- or the U.S, Canada, and parts of Europe to be specific- while he gets to have jols and tramp around with beautiful girls and all my favorite bands- I almost screamed when he said Bon Jovi was their supporting act in New Jersey. 

I missed Kirk. His touch sent shivers down my spine. The smell of the cologne he wore was like Whisky and Spice. His voice was soft and calming, I could listen to him all night. His smile-Dimples. His cute dimples when he flashes me a smile, the smile that stole mine and thousands of other girls' hearts but his heart was mine and mine his. 

Sometimes I wish their tour never existed, other times I just wanted to hop into my car and drive to him, and once in a blue moon, I was happy for them. That they were finally getting the recognition they deserved.

I looked at myself in the mirror, how much my bump has grown in the months. It felt like I was panicking about the pregnancy yesterday, and now in a couple of weeks, I'd be holding little Angel in my arms. 

When Kirk got a break from the tour, he'd spend the entire day in the mall, buying toys, clothes, and an abundance of other girly things for her. He was so invested in her, I can't imagine what he'd do when she'd born. I can already see him fussing over her, playing soft lullaby's on his guitar while she sleeps. It seems like with every passing day, I love him more than the previous. He was my sunshine, without him, I'd be lost in the dark.

I walked down the stairs, feeling the smooth wood glide down the palms of my hand. The house was quieter than usual, with Ronnie down in South Africa to visit his mom who fell ill with cancer, Duncan and Neil fooling around town and Trevor doing, well, whatever the hell Trevor does really; leaving me to my own devices, and admiring the view of the ocean from the porch. 

Lately, I had a newfound appreciation for sobriety, maybe it's just because the moodiness of withdrawal symptoms has subsided, but now I looked at everything differently- optimistically. Now I've grown to enjoy the new awareness of my surroundings but mostly, it made me miss home even more. 

As much as I loved America, I was experiencing culture shock like no other. Sometimes you just miss celebrating Diwali, and throwing fireworks into the unfortunate person's house, and see them coming out with a Syringa tree stick and just running away laughing into the streets.

The phone erupted into a rather loud ring and I quickly lurched forward, hoping to ease the pain of the sound.

"Hello?" I answered, dragging out the vowels.

"Hey, sweetheart." I immediately sat up straight, a huge smile plastered across my face.

"Kirk, how's the tour?" I asked my voice brimming with excitement.

"It's boring without you, love," I heard a sigh coming from his end of the call, "How's Angel holding up?"

"She's doing great, although..." 

"What's wrong?" He sounded really anxious, I loved teasing him.

"She's missing her daddy." I finally said.

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