Part 12- Mr Muso

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Savannah's POV

Loud, hard, and raw- that's how our concerts were, I don't know what you were thinking of...

The last two months have been one hell of a fucking rollercoaster.

 You wake up to another bitching hangover- but it's nothing new, knock god knows how many painkillers, and then you're off onto the road again.

You drink a couple of beers, pop a couple of pills- it's customary at this point, you gotta keep yourself entertained one way or another.

 Then you go onstage and give 'em your all, head down to the local bar and get high and shitfaced, before crashing down onto the bed and making 'music'. What can I say a person has to be clinically insane not to love it. 

After a tiresome, booze-filled start to the year, we finally managed to catch a break and were on the bus back to San Francisco. 

The band and I have been trying to find a decent place around here, normally I would immediately say no, I was more of an L. A girl- I mean, that's where the  scene was, but Metallica, or should I say Kirk is over here and I don't wanna be away from him.

Things between us have been great so to speak, because he still hasn't decided what exactly is between us. I'm not gonna be the person who continuously plagues him to label us, mostly because the last time didn't exactly end well, but curiosity killed the cat- not clarity.

At what seemed like midnight, we finally reached Kirk's apartment, my guys bickering about whose turn it is to sleep on the couch.

"Home sweet home," Kirk said, switching on the light. I crashed down on our bed and Kirk followed suit, resting his head on my chest.

"I feel like the tour so far has been one big hangover," I mumbled sleepily.

"Mhm, you drink too much" He snickered and kissed my shoulder.

"Says the guy from a band called 'Alcoholica'." I sniggered. They even did a photo shoot with a big Smirnoff bottle. There's always a first for everything I guess.

He rolled his eyes, his eyes catching mine a for a fraction of a second before he jumped to his feet, pulling me by my hand, "Come with me."

"It's late." I whined, "Where are we even going?"

"You'll see." He smirked.

I stumbled in the darkness, my knee hitting the table, but that didn't matter. He led me up the stairs, up, up, up, until we reached a large metal door. He pushed me open and led me outside, a rooftop view of the city inviting me.

I was awestruck. This was even better than sitting on that cliff and punching the lights out of James.

It was just him, I, and a cold breeze squeezing me tight.

This was as good as a magical Disney movie.

"You brought me up here why?" I asked.

"Well don't most girls like the stars?" He said, lying down on the floor.

I laid down next to him, and he wrapped his arm around me, my head on his chest. I listened to his breathing, his steady heartbeat, his warmth a warm blanket around me.

"That's Scorpio." Kirk pointed to a spot in the sky. "Do you see it?"

 I followed his gaze toward the constellation. It looked like any other cluster of stars. 

"Mmmhmm. Looks great." 

He turned her head and narrowed his eyes. "Do you really see it, or are you lying?" 

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