Part 19- Lifeline

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Kirk. The sweat...I'm not religious but good lord. 

Would you believe me when I tell you
That you're the one I love, the one I need
Today – throw down your lifeline

Savannah's POV

"Happy birthday to you." I heard a soft voice sing as the shower door opened. Kirk. His strong hands made their way around my body, butterflies in my stomach.

"Happy birthday to you." Soft lips nipped at my ear kisses traveling down my neck and shoulder, back to my ear again, water falling down  

"Happy birthday, my beautiful wife." He sang with a chuckle and spun me around, my hands around his neck as the warm water fell onto us.

"Happy birthday to you." He finished, crushing his lips against mine, his hands pulling me against his chest, I felt so small compared to him, yet we were almost the same height.

"Hmm, thank you." I managed to say in our kiss. My hands snaked down his chest to his dick, stroking him slowly, as he became harder and harder with each stroke. His soft touch turned into a firm grip as he groaned into my mouth.

"Fuck Savannah. Not now." He moaned and I quickly stepped away from him.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked, looking at my feet, embarrassment flushing over me.

"No, I got something planned for you." He smiled, "Although if we want to make it on time we have to go quickly." 

"No Kirk, I'm not in the mood."

Birthdays? Not my strong suit.

Coming from a lower middle class family in South Africa, money was tight. With my mom a drunkie and my father rarely involved in my life, they never had the time nor put the effort for me to properly enjoy my birthday.

Of course, that all changed the day I met Duncan. From a candle on a cupcake to drinking sessions that ended in blackouts, they made it special.

"Oh come on Savannah, you're twenty years old today, don't you dare tell me no. Now put on something nice and I'm taking you out for today. OK?" He said with a tad bit of frustration, which I realized was due to the hard-on I gave him. I nodded with a smile plastered on my face.

"And don't bother wearing any underwear." He growled into my ear and left the bathroom, leaving me flustered and needy. 

The sound of the water splashing on the tiles echoed through the bathroom while my mouth lay open agape, his words repeating over and over in my head.


I turned my head and watched Kirk adjust something on the boat's instrument panel. In the sunlight, wearing nothing but black shorts and miles of bronzed skin, he looked like a Greek god come down from Mount Olympus. 

"You should captain a boat more often." I stretched, luxuriating in the sunshine. "It's sexy." 

It was something I would've cringed at saying to anyone else, but I didn't have to worry when I was with Kirk. I could say anything and he wouldn't judge or laugh at me. His eyes glowed with amusement. "

Good to know." The rich, slightly husky timbre of his voice sent a delicious thrill down my spine.

We were currently anchored off the coast off, well, somewhere...Don't get me wrong but I struggle to tell the difference between the places. Everything was still new to me and between the tour and the 3 months of being locked up in the house, I barely had time to explore the places.

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