Part 28- Let It Shine Through

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"Lovie, sit down," Helen said, beckoning me over to the empty spot on her bed. I crashed down and buried my face in my hands. I sighed heavily as she rubbed my back and mumbled soothing words as I ranted all my anger and frustration.

"Come on. We need a topic change. Tell me more about this Kirky guy of yours."

"I told you everything there is to know...sweet, kind, funny, dorky." A smile bloomed across my face as I imagined his cute smile. He was dorky, with those round glasses, dimples, and crooked teeth. Perfect in my eyes.

It's been a month since we've been holed up in S.A. while Trevor recovered from his crash. I nearly cried when he came out of his coma, and he slowly put what happened. He barely remembered a thing. Seeing the horror creep onto his face was the most painful thing in the world.

My sadness aside, Kirk gave me something to be happy about. Their first massive tour, with the one only Ozzy Osbourne. Although, of course, they'd screw something up; the idiot, James, broke his wrist skateboarding, of all things.

"So that's it?" Helen says, "You just like him for his personality, huh?"


"You're saying that all of this," Helen said, waving her hand in the air, gesturing at my grin, "has nothing to do with him being sexy and shit and him being able to fuck you all the time?"

"You think Kirk is sexy?"

"That is not what I said." I let out a chuckle, she definitely thought he was hot.

"Well, not entirely. Kirk's sexy and shit, but it's not what I love most about him. His smile, his laugh, his touch. God, the way he plays guitar. Just everything."

"And is he..?"

"He is..?"

"You know. Good shag?"

"Oh, Helen! I'm not gonna tell you about my sex life." She went silent, feeling a little guilty.

"The best sex I've ever had." We both giggled like we were 6 again. I was lucky to find someone like Helen, where you can speak your mind freely and know you won't be judged.

"You're my best friend," I said, entwining our fingers together. I knew her from pre-school, kindergarten, call it what you wanna. We knew each other from way back. When my mom died, she was there. When her husband abused her, I was there and that's how it always will be.

"Excuse me!?" Duncan walked in, holding a spoon in one hand and the other a tub of ice cream.

"Best friend." he scoffed, "After everything we've been through?"

"Do you have to be dramatic 24/7?" Helen countered.

"I'm not dramatic, okay. My presence commands a certain type of attention-"

"She's my best friend, and you're my lover," I replied.

"Then what am I? Your dog?" Ron chimed.

"No. Don't make Sav moody-"

"I am not moody." I snapped at Duncan, taken aback by being backstabbed by my 'lover.'

"Yeah, sure." Duncan put his utensils down, "You are moody. It's always 'shut up, Duncan,' 'Go to sleep, Duncan,' 'No one wants to see you naked, Duncan.' When I know for a fact that thousands of people would love to see me naked."

We all stared at him in awe. The things that he says are astounding.

"That is too much stupid to come out of one mouth," Helen said flatly.

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