03. Dancing To Music (requested)

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Requested By: Oobie_shows_u_da_wae

Genre: fluff

Spoilers: none

Warnings: none

Extra: N/n means "Nickname" (or something that Eda would name you)

"Hunter, check this out!" Y/n beckoned for her best friend to join her.

"What's up?" Hunter eyed Y/n's hands with a curious eye.

Y/n smiled brightly. "Luz showed me all these incredible bands from the human realm, and she even let me borrow her phone so I could show you!"

She held out her hands to reveal Luz's human phone.

"I haven't listened to human music before. Is it any good?"

"Of course it is, Hunter! It's so bouncy and bright, and I love it so much!"

Hunter grinned. "Why don't you show me, then?"

"Yeah, let's go!" Y/n took Hunter by the hand and pulled him to the Owl House to go listen to the human realm music.

When they arrived at the doorstep, Hooty greeted them eagerly. "Heya, kiddos! Whatcha doing over here?"

"We're just gonna listen to some music that Luz showed me," Y/n explained. "Is that ok?"

"Yes!" Hooty agreed. "I'm sure Eda won't mind. Come on in!" He opened up the front door. "EDA, YOU HAVE GUESTS!!"

A distant clatter could be heard from the kitchen. "Alright, alright, I'm coming!"

Eda stumbled out of the kitchen. She was in an apron and had Apple Blood splattered all over it. As soon as she noticed Hunter and Y/n by the front door, she wore a welcoming smile, her golden fang sprouting up from her lip.

"Hey, N/n, Golden Guard! What are you up to?" Eda greeted.

"We just came to listen to some music," Y/n answered. "Is it alright if we go upstairs?"

"Yeah, go right ahead! I don't mind at all," Eda permitted. "Go enjoy yourselves."

"What are you doing in there anyway? You look like you just murdered someone," Hunter asked, referring to the Apple Blood stains.

Eda glanced down at her messy apron and chuckled. "I'm just doing some kitchen experimenting. It's nothing to worry about."

"Alright, if you say so," Hunter shrugged. "Let's go upstairs now, Y/n."

Y/n nodded, then turned to Eda. "We'll be going now. Have fun in the kitchen!"

"See ya later, kiddos!" Eda waved her goodbyes as Hunter and Y/n climbed the stairs.

"The Owl Lady sure is a crazy one," Hunter commented.

"She's just being Eda," Y/n laughed. "She's fun to be around."

They found themselves at a hangout room that Luz and King had decorated recently. There was nice furniture placed inside, art supplies, a bookshelf, plush toys, and even fairy lights!

Overall, the whole room was a vibe.

"Alright, let's see if I can get this set up." Y/n tended to mumble to herself as she worked. It was a little habit of hers that Hunter found adorable. "Aha! I found a really good one! It's called 'Best Friend' by Rex Orange County."

Hunter smiled eagerly. "Let's hear it, then."

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