18. Safe and Sound (requested)

80 3 10

Requested By: WinterBlue_Angel22

Genre: hurt/comfort

Spoilers: OH HECK YES! Spoilers for "Hollow Mind"

Warnings: sad Hunter and Y/n 😢

Hunter's POV:

“Hunter, wait!”

Ignoring Luz’s plea, I rush outside to get some air.

I feel like I can't breathe. My chest is tight, my vision is blurring, and my heart is pounding. I wanted to control myself, but something inside of me snapped as a heavy realization settled in my mind:

I'm a clone.

Luz and I had gotten ourselves trapped inside the mind of Emperor Belos, my lifelong mentor and uncle. At first, I was desperate to escape, not wanting to get into trouble. However, my curiosity had spiked when Luz decided it would be a good idea to explore and find some answers.

Spoiler alert: it wasn't a good idea at all.

One thing led to another, and it has been revealed to me that I am nothing more than a clone of Emperor Belos’ brother Caleb, and that I'm destined to die and be replaced.

I tried– I really tried– to handle the situation rationally. I hadn't meant to spiral out of control. I wish I was in control.

But, unfortunately, life doesn't like to work that way.

So as I'm running like a lunatic in the woods, I can't help but feel ashamed. What am I doing here? How did it come to this? So many questions come and go, and I can't seem to think straight.

Out of nowhere, I trip over a decently-sized rock, causing me to fall flat on my face. I yelp, feeling my skin tear as the rocky earth scrapes it. The cuts burn and my chest still hasn't loosened up. Reaching towards my head, I yank on my hair and curl up in a ball for a little while. It seems to be the only thing that can somewhat calm my nerves. Short and scattered breathes whistle through my teeth, reminding me of a scared animal.

Well, I certainly feel like an animal. I don't even feel like a person anymore.

As I'm laying there, I can't even think, let alone concentrate on a single thing. My vision blurs every once in a while as scattered thoughts crowd up my headspace.


So many things. So much clutter. So much pain.

I feel as if someone has sucker punched me in the gut as a strange, mental darkness surrounds me.

This is it, I think. I don't think I can do this anymore…

Then, one thought among thousands stands out above the rest. It's like a pillar of light has come to rescue me from my mental prison.


She could help me.

Ever since we met, she's always been there for me. I can't remember a time where she's abandoned me. It would be completely unrealistic of her to turn me away. She's safe– my safe haven. She'll protect me.

I attempt to push myself off the ground but fail. A stinging sensation pounds in my arm, informing me that a bruise will likely form there.

It takes some effort, but I successfully calm myself down by forcing my breathing to slow. I pant heavily as I lay on the forest floor for a moment. I have to recollect myself. Being stressed out would only stress out Y/n, and Y/n doesn't need that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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