14: Headcanon: Kisses/Cuddles/Sleeping in the Same Bed (requested)

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Requested By: WinterBlue_Angel22

Genre: fluff, headcanon

Warnings: none

Prompt: Hunter’s reaction to the reader asking him for kisses, cuddles, or sleeping together in the same bed for the first time

-No matter what you ask him, he’ll blush Amity-red if it’s anything intimate haha 😂

-He’s our lil’ tomato, that’s for sure! 🥰💕

-If you ask him for a kiss, his face and ears will flush and he’ll nervously say yes

-“U-Uh, s-sure, Y/n! I’ll do anything you wish.”

-This is your first kiss, so it might be a bit awkward 😅

-But that’s ok! It’s a learning experience for both of you (unless you’ve already had your first kiss with someone, you lucky person! 😉)

-If you ask him for cuddles, he won’t know how to respond at first

-Our man is a little more than a little touch-starved, so maybe try asking him only once he’s gotten used to the feeling of an intimate relationship 😔

-If he happens to be comfortable with cuddles when you ask him, he’s sure to say yes! ☺️❤️

-He likes it when you lean your head against his chest. It makes him feel like he’s protecting you, and he loves to believe you trust him 🥺💕💕

-If you ask him to sleep in the same bed as you, then, oh boy, you are in for a ride

-This is probably the most intimate and boldest thing you’ve ever asked him, so it’s no surprise he’ll be flustered. Like, seriously, steam will shoot from his ears! 😰

-He’ll be a stuttering mess, but he’ll agree once he processes what you just requested of him

-Making sure he feels comfortable is important with this one! You may only be snuggling with him, but he’ll feel scared if you’re not too careful. Once he’s gotten adjusted, he should be alright getting used to the idea of snuggling in bed together

I hope you like these fluffy headcanons! I have some more headcanons to write before I work on the one shots, but I'll get those out as soon as I can!

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